The online racing simulator
Gripping or racing?
(77 posts, started )
#1 - G!NhO
Gripping or racing?
Well i was on a drift server and someone said the word "gripping".

I told him it isn't the correct term for racing, it's just a term used by drifters for racing. But he said it was a word and blablabla, and that "Gripping is the term for Motor racing that has grip as the the main factor". Bollocks IMO.

I looked it up in an online english dictionary and it wasn't in it.

So who is right, me or the dorifto boyz?

I searched and didn't want to bump a 4 year old thread. :P
#2 - BAMBO
#3 - 5haz
Meh I don't understand this whole thang, even when racing, you aren't always gripping.

And when powersliding, (doriftio styley is not drifting, its power sliding!) the front wheels are still gripping, while the back wheels cartainly aren't.

Only when the front wheels are sliding as well as the rears, and the car is sliding round a turn with no opposite lock applied, is a car truly drifting and not gripping.

Something which is difficult on modern tyres, which tend to grip a lot and then suddenly break free, older tyres had a bit more 'give' in them, and broke away slower.
#4 - G!NhO
Ok well that makes sense.
I've had someone expaining that 'Speed Turning' is racing and drifting combined, but without the drifting. It was quite a stunning display.
#6 - Bean0
Racing - A competition of speed, either against others directly or against the clock.
In some cases, the optimum way of taking a corner is to intentionally lose grip and slide the car, especially on loose surfaces.

Drifting - A competition of style, marked by judges, similar to figure-skating.

Gripping - The action of holding the steering wheel firmly in you hands, applies in both cases above.
#7 - G!NhO
Lol, thats the best explanation.
I don't like to call it 'gripping.' just sounds wrong. on the other hand, just 'GRIP' or 'grip-racing' does it better for me. But I'm guessing most people started using that term after playing ProStreet.
thing is guys, G!Nho has told the story wrong and that wasnt what the other guy said. He never said "Gripping is the term for Motor racing that has grip as the the main factor". At all, so in stead of making a pointless thread wasting yours and everyone else's time. Dont butt into our conversation and get off your high horse, lfs is a game.
Now wheres the admin to lock this peice of bull shit thread.
i think Furiously-Fast's avatar says it all about you G!Hno
Quote from SilverArrows77 :Calling normal racing "gripping" or "grip racing" is like calling any form of boat racing/yachting "float racing" - its just plain absurd...

Or running 'leg racing' or plane races 'fly racing' or.... sorry, got carried away.:o
#11 - Jakg
If a car had no grip, it wouldn't move.

If it was moving, you couldn't turn it or slow it down (or speed it up).

Drifting requires the car to have some grip otherwise it wouldn't work.

The fact that you need to have a basic understanding of physics to realise how absurd the term "gripping" is probably says a lot about the people that use it.
The term 'gripping' doesn't pure and only have to meen 'racing'... Basicly (few exeptions) all types of motorsport when you try to be the fastest/fast you could call as a typ of 'gripping'... Its like a main-term to defention of multiple types of motorsport... For example racing, go-karting, drag-racing, gymkhana, tougé. (Last to types not to be confused with their drift-version brothers). For all these types you need optimal 'grip' to win this event (and ofc other things like handling capabillity)... Its like you got 'Civillian Cars' that you have in multiple other versions 'sedans, MPVs, 4WD's, Hatchbacks' and so on. The 'Civillian Cars' can be replaced with 'gripping' and the versions with any kind of grip-motorsport. Civillian Cars have their main task to transport people (unlike Company Vans 'drifting'). The models (Sedan, MPV....) are just a type of Civillian cars preforming the same task just in a different form.

But you can't really compare gripping and drifting their its a total different kind of sport. Only simulair thing is we both use cars but thats about it. (Like said before its like comparing a 500m ice skate sprint vs. show iceskating). But yea, since some people thing 'gripping' is per deffinition a negative term they don't like to hear it... but that doesn't make it untrue.

Just like now-a-days people call every powerslide drifting... Or say that powersliding, doing donuts or burnouts is a form of drifting... Thats not true... Yes they are both competetive and the amount of 'SHOW' is the main key to succes, but that doesn't make it drifting... But since drifting is a pretty new sport (relativly) we doent have a main term that includes Tansou, Tsuiso, Gymkhana (driftversion), Tougé (driftversion), the art of donuts and burnouts all in one. Maybe we should call all these things together 'showmotoring' or something . So we get 'showmotoring' and 'gripping'... Witch doesnt meen the same as 'drifting' and 'racing'... Thier are multiple different version of these type's of motorsport... But all those toghether you can seperate them in the group 'showmotoring' and 'gripping'...

Race and drift....
Race and showmotor in peace!
Quote from Jakg :If a car had no grip, it wouldn't move.

If it was moving, you couldn't turn it or slow it down (or speed it up).

Drifting requires the car to have some grip otherwise it wouldn't work.

The fact that you need to have a basic understanding of physics to realise how absurd the term "gripping" is probably says a lot about the people that use it.

Quote from Jakg :If a car had no grip, it wouldn't move.

If it was moving, you couldn't turn it or slow it down (or speed it up).

Drifting requires the car to have some grip otherwise it wouldn't work.

The fact that you need to have a basic understanding of physics to realise how absurd the term "gripping" is probably says a lot about the people that use it.

When a sport is not called gripping it doesn't have to meen you dont use any grip at all... It just meens that grip isnt one of the main-factors in that sport... Its like saying you have normal tires and silent tires... Altough they are called silent tires doesn't meen that make 100% no sound... just less, much less
Quote from kroozin :thing is guys, G!Nho has told the story wrong and that wasnt what the other guy said. He never said "Gripping is the term for Motor racing that has grip as the the main factor". At all, so in stead of making a pointless thread wasting yours and everyone else's time. Dont butt into our conversation and get off your high horse, lfs is a game.
Now wheres the admin to lock this peice of bull shit thread.
i think Furiously-Fast's avatar says it all about you G!Hno

:doh: He did You just cant take it that i have proven my point.

and i am not only talking about this game, i am talking about racing in general.

You are the perfect example of a drifter...

SO go and have fun "gripping" the steering wheel.!
Quote from G!NhO ::doh: He did You just cant take it that i have proven my point.

and i am not only talking about this game, i am talking about racing in general.

You are the perfect example of a drifter...

SO go and have fun "gripping" the steering wheel.!

I did Never mention that motorracing was the main factor of gripping...
For full explanation will ask you to read my post above

SO go and have fun "gripping" the steering wheel.!
I have a sense of humor and could pretty laugh about that comment...
But for a real discussion its not really helping m8
So, do drifter-types use the phrase 'gripping' as a derogatory term to describe what we would call racing, or is it just that they use a different word with no hidden meaning ?

I dont know what drifting is, but I do it.

Anyway, drifting is very easy compared to racing for me. However, that could differ in real life since this is just a game. I don't really know why they call it grip racing but it could come from the japanese ppl.
Quote from Bean0 :So, do drifter-types use the phrase 'gripping' as a derogatory term to describe what we would call racing, or is it just that they use a different word with no hidden meaning ?

Gripping contains a much larger area than racing...
racing is just one type of many different forms of gripping...

(see post above)

But don't see why 'gripping' from out of nowhere became a 'bad' term amongst 'racers' (not grippers in total!)
Quote from VR38DETT :Gripping contains a much larger area than racing...
racing is just one type of many different forms of gripping...

(see post above)

But don't see why 'gripping' from out of nowhere became a 'bad' term amongst 'racers' (not grippers in total!)

its just not a word...

its a "term" used by drifters for racing.

Quote from VR38DETT :I did Never mention that motorracing was the main factor of gripping...

did i say

i saidf that you said that Gripping is the main factor of racing that requires grip. or something similair.....
Who will be the next world champion in Formula 1 gripping? :ices_rofl
*Goes to a drift server....*
Just search for gripping on google and you will find NOTHING about gripping, only NFS videos.

that explains it all
that's because on prostreet one of the main events is called grip racing.

That pretty much sums up the origin of the word. Goodbye.

Gripping or racing?
(77 posts, started )