So, I've been playing LFS for over a year now, about 3/4th's of it on the demo version, and 1/4th on the registered version. I enjoy the game immensely, as it is much more realistic than what I've ever played before. I'm a diehard racing fan, starting all the way with Need For Speed 1(!).
Right, praise talk aside, the game is bloody hard to drive with a joystick! I currently use a dual analog setup, with a half-decent joystick from Saitek. That sucker doesn't even have FF on it
However, the joystick was alright for a quick one hour spin every day, and I had fun with the game, usually staying about 1 or 2 seconds behind competition. I got my record with the Gti on blackwood down to 1:34:7x, but I've hit a big stomp now, as I find the joystick really lacking when it comes to precision detail. It's exactly the situation when you want to land a wee bit away from the grass, but due to inaccuracy of the controller I end up in the wall
So, after one year of LFS and the fact that I truly like this game, I've decided to upgrade to a racing wheel. Going to the local electronics store didn't bring much luck, for all they had were Saitek's R220 and R440 models, neither of which impressed me. I turned to ebay. And I found this baby. It's made by Thrustmaster, which I trust well enough, because I own a plane joystick by them, which survived about 4 years of carnage. Stick the Ferrari logo on it, too, and I can't really ask for more as far as brand credibility goes. The wheel got good reviews as far as quality/precision goes, the only problem being the pedals sliding all over the place. Since I mod computers and stuff every now and then, I'm sure I'll figure something out for that
The price seems to be alright,too. I hope to get it off ebay for around 30 euros, new and with a couple of games to come with it. Has any of you had any experience with this wheel, or perhaps a few tips when looking at wheels?
Sorry for my long'ish monologue, but I needed to put my thoughts on paper, and hopefully get some feedback from the veterans of LFS
So, I've been playing LFS for over a year now, about 3/4th's of it on the demo version, and 1/4th on the registered version. I enjoy the game immensely, as it is much more realistic than what I've ever played before. I'm a diehard racing fan, starting all the way with Need For Speed 1(!).
Right, praise talk aside, the game is bloody hard to drive with a joystick! I currently use a dual analog setup, with a half-decent joystick from Saitek. That sucker doesn't even have FF on it

So, after one year of LFS and the fact that I truly like this game, I've decided to upgrade to a racing wheel. Going to the local electronics store didn't bring much luck, for all they had were Saitek's R220 and R440 models, neither of which impressed me. I turned to ebay. And I found this baby. It's made by Thrustmaster, which I trust well enough, because I own a plane joystick by them, which survived about 4 years of carnage. Stick the Ferrari logo on it, too, and I can't really ask for more as far as brand credibility goes. The wheel got good reviews as far as quality/precision goes, the only problem being the pedals sliding all over the place. Since I mod computers and stuff every now and then, I'm sure I'll figure something out for that

The price seems to be alright,too. I hope to get it off ebay for around 30 euros, new and with a couple of games to come with it. Has any of you had any experience with this wheel, or perhaps a few tips when looking at wheels?
Sorry for my long'ish monologue, but I needed to put my thoughts on paper, and hopefully get some feedback from the veterans of LFS
