The online racing simulator
Book plug
(20 posts, started )
Book plug

My friend has written a pretty cool scifi book, I've read a couple of chapters and it's definitely worth a read.

You can get more info here:
Quote from southamptonfc :Hi,

My friend has written a pretty cool scifi book, I've read a couple of chapters and it's definitely worth a read.

You can get more info here:

am i the only one who mistaken this for butt plug ?
My first thought upon seeing the thread title was "why would a book need mains electricity?". Perhaps my mind isn't as perverse as I thought.
#7 - Vain
I was thinking Western Digital "MyBook" external harddrives and their plugs.

Attached images
Quote from Bob Smith :My first thought upon seeing the thread title was "why would a book need mains electricity?". Perhaps my mind isn't as perverse as I thought.

Exactly the same as what I thought .
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :ROFL.

That guy is deaf!

"you wanna spark plug?"

add ur sig to the end of it and its even funnier!
I should know better but I did laugh at the the thread title, I also though it said Butt plug.

Than after watching the link I really ROLFed.

One day i will grow day!
Quote from AlienT. :

One day i will grow day!

Noooooooo Don't do it. There's absolutely no reason to do something so stupid.
Quote from The Moose :Noooooooo Don't do it. There's absolutely no reason to do something so stupid.

yea, get urself a butt plug instead.
Quote from theirishnoob :that book looks... good i guess..

It is!!

If you're into Starwars, Indiana Jones type stuff, you'll really like it.

Book plug
(20 posts, started )