Just little more grip...
(7 posts, started )
Just little more grip...
First of all the tire physics are certainly gone to better way, but I'd love to get more grip. What I mean with that is when you lose grip in real car and slide, moment when you get grip back suddently and you have cabin full of hands if you can't predict what is coming and countersteer at right moment . Thing that doubles your hearbeat. Atleast I think that car still kinda float when you happen to slide them.. I can't explain that better, anyone that has spinned real car accidentally know what I am meaning
#2 - Vain
1. It's pretty hard to feel what's wrong with LFS's tyres. It's definitely someting with slipping and the recovery from slipping, but we don't even know how LFS's tyre-model looks like, which means we have no clue what to improve.
2. It's not just a matter of "more grip". The topic is much more complicated.
3. It's good to voice your opinion. The tyre model is definitely not finished and still feels strange. The devs should know this and they know it. There's still work to do, but that was to be expected before the patch, like it was to be expected before every patch befor this one.

For anyone who wants to reply to this post:
I'm not defending the tyre model, but I'm also not attacking it. This post is only about the knowledge-base of the community about the tyres.

I agree with Vain. This patch was a big step and makes racing much more fun, cars are easier to push to the limits and racing behind another car is possible (nothing to do with tires). The grip feels much more realistic, but its not perfect.
Quote from Vain :1. It's pretty hard to feel what's wrong with LFS's tyres. It's definitely someting with slipping and the recovery from slipping, but we don't even know how LFS's tyre-model looks like, which means we have no clue what to improve.
2. It's not just a matter of "more grip". The topic is much more complicated.
3. It's good to voice your opinion. The tyre model is definitely not finished and still feels strange. The devs should know this and they know it. There's still work to do, but that was to be expected before the patch, like it was to be expected before every patch befor this one.

For anyone who wants to reply to this post:
I'm not defending the tyre model, but I'm also not attacking it. This post is only about the knowledge-base of the community about the tyres.


Little correction for my original post. I think that grip riding in curve and if you slide is quite correct for now. I think in both cases grip is right, but recovery from slide is somehow too "light" I think it should be more aggressive. I'm not sure that this is an tyre issue, actually I believe that it has something to do with weight transfer and momentum (is it momentum in english?)
I think your point / request is very valid, just your topic title was confusing
The patch was a big step in the right direction, but didn't seem to greatly affect either the 'sudden loss' or 'sudden gain' of traction, the cars do still float around, but at least now the lateral and longitudinal forces feel suitably seperated, meaning the cars respond 'correctly', (for a given value of correct anyway) just not violently enough. It would be nice to find myself fishtailing on occasion, trying to correct from a corner gone wrong, but it's always very easy to catch because the tyres don't bite in hard at all.
I think GT Legends has better traction feel or somehow it has much more "feel" of mass. However LFS has much more variety of cars and has much better online games...And LFS has much more feel of speed in racing

Little offtopic but GT Legends has beatiful engine sounds and beatiful classic cars (copy them somehow ) , what can I say.. I love old cars
Maybe LFS has classic too someday and gravel tracks :rally_dri

But as said before, LFS is absolutely going into right direction. Better not to change too many things at sametime to keep quality of game. Two thumbs up to devs
Quote from pekkaw :I think GT Legends has better traction feel or somehow it has much more "feel" of mass. However LFS has much more variety of cars and has much better online games...And LFS has much more feel of speed in racing

Little offtopic but GT Legends has beatiful engine sounds and beatiful classic cars (copy them somehow ) , what can I say.. I love old cars
Maybe LFS has classic too someday and gravel tracks :rally_dri

But as said before, LFS is absolutely going into right direction. Better not to change too many things at sametime to keep quality of game. Two thumbs up to devs

I agree, but at the same time, GT Legends has gone commercial whereas no way near as many people know LFS as they do GT Legends. So it has to be better...

Just little more grip...
(7 posts, started )