as said before, why don't you guys get your best spainish team together and enter them in MoE?
i'm over this anyway, and semi agree with arrechee using the games features to gain an advantage.
i think the only problem with doing it in here, is that all cars are the same and it is a real level playing field for all drivers. thats why when a driver finds an advantage, everyone accuses him/her of cheating, because they don't do it and find it to be wrong or immoral.
as for saying using the handbrake can be used in real life, is this coming from someone who drives a ferrari or a porsche, or a turbo RWD car.. or even a GTR car? race cars don't come with handbrakes.. and i'd like to see you come into a corner too hot in a rear engined porsche and pull up and down on the handbrake 5 or so times to get it round the corner

never the less, it seems to work on lfs, so.. i guess... why not use it? :/