What kind of team are you looking for? (Race, Drift, Cruise, Drag or other) : Race
Age: 16 in less than two months
Country: France
Preferred Car/Track: Hmm...My favorite cars(they're not the ones I'm the fastest with) are the XFG, the F08, the LX4, the FZ5, the FXR and the MRT. Can't really say for the tracks.
Average Laptime on Car/Track: Stupid question, depends too much of the combos. So, I'd propose you to watch my LFSW profile, especially my hotlaps, but on the majority of them I can go 0,5 or 1 seconds faster online(on the past I used to make an hotlap every 10 minutes or something like that).
How Active Are You? : I don't race on public server nowadays. But I race on a league race/event twice, or even sometimes three times a week. Also I'm doing LFS extra-activities(skinning, watching the forum, etc) every day or nearly.
What Kind of Control do you use? : Mouse, but I'd like to get a wheel within the 2 next months.
Time Zone: GMT+2 on Summer
Okay, so... Let's begin from the beginning. I discovered LFS during 2007, bought S2 on January 2008 and then started league racing a few weeks later with the Torsdagraces. Then in current 2008 I took part successively on the LFS Beginners' Cup(I was crowned champion of the series), the UF-Baby R Cup, the Triple Double Cup(I finished 6th overall), and the Mini-FBM Series(9th overall). These are the main ones, I did a little bit more than that during this year.
Then, on 2009, I tried to get into the IGTC with the team Saucisse de Foie, but mainly because of my mistake things didn't went 100% well during the test race(I had a controler failure 7 laps after the beginning of my stints), that's why we didn't get a full time slot. After this unsucces, I joined Scuderia Forza, fastly we got into the GTAL, but the team died 2 months after its creation, that's why I'm here now...
Now, let's speak of my skills... Well, to describe myself, I'd say that I'm not a very fast driver(I'm decent at hotlapping, but not more), but I'm very clean and consistant. I'd even say, that like Prost(sorry for the comparaison, and btw it's not to be taken at the 1st degree), I have a sort of "intelligence of the race" : that mean that I know how to behave in a race from the beginning until the end : I know when I have to push, when I have to secure my position, when I have to block an opponent, when I should let him pass, etc. But I think my main quality is to avoid incidents. You know, on the openings laps of the race, I'm very calm, I know that there's no rush, so during these periods I drive on my hand and stay at a decent pace from the other cars, while the others often spin because they're sur-exitated, hit an opponent stupidly wihile trying to pass him because they want to reach on the front as fast as possible, or whatever. I think my best climb of my life were on the MRT OWRL Challenge at as1r, when during the 30 minutes race I started 23rd(IIRC) and then finished 4th, just because of a very good car control and because of my instinct which dictated me to stay as prudent as possible while going through pile-ups, and so on. My second best climb ever was on the Round 1 of the GTAL, where I climbed from the 22nd place to the 9th place during my stint, with basically the same type of race than mentionned before. And, also, during my CTRA period, I had a 13% yellow flag ratio(people under 15% were a small minority). I think that all of these examples show that I have a fairly good car control, and a gift from the nature, to be always on the right momment on the right place, only on a circuit unfortunately.

Also, I think I'm improving myself every months, a while ago I was a mid-field runner, now it's a pleasure to see that I can fight for top 8 on the main races I'm taking part, and even to fight for the podium when I'm on good conditions.
So, currently, I'm signing in on the GTAL, the LFS Pro Series, IMA's TBO Challenge,
NDRC (in italic are the leagues that don't take priority in case of clash). On a near future I'd like to get into the iTCC, the French Internationnal TBO League, the MMS, the Kyoto 500(for the team Saucisse de Foie, my LFSCART team), the season 3 of the UF Baby-R Cup, and possibly more if I see something serious and looking nice going on. Also, I'll be working with iCON for organising together a Bump n Jump Cup, and it will start in September or October.
If you want to sign me into your team, my only exigences are :
1) To let me race into the GTAL with my ex team mates, I know that Saturday is a day where you have a lot of things going on, but I'd really like to finish this season. (but hmm... I'll give it up if you propose me to race in IGTC, but I think I'm dreaming here

2) To let me race with my private skin in the IMA TBO Challenge, I really think it's awersome(thanks to Thunderhead

), and as I started the season with it, I think I should finish the season with it. But I think it's only a little detail anyway.
So, here you go, I just hope I wasn't too pretentious when I wrote this down, and I hope I will hear from you soon.
E : I found a team btw.