Poll : If there will be bumpdrafting allowed for one car, which one would you like to use?

Closed since :
Name: Chris Wilkinson
Username: wilko868
Preferred Number: 47

Looking forward to this one
Sign up deleted. Sorry.
LFSWname -Batteryy
Own Real Name - Matti Martinmäki
Preferred Number - 194
Country code - FIN
dont go checking my lap times :hide: , not anything good there..yet
Setups for Round 1&2 (FBM - Kyoto Oval / Oval Reversed )
Attached files
FBM_Oval1.set - 132 B - 1044 views
FBM_ky1r.set - 132 B - 858 views
10 guys signed up atm. for the Series. Cmon guys we want more

only 6 races will be count in final results (2 races where you got the least points will be off.)

For example.

1st race - 3rd - 10 points

2nd race - 4th - 8 points

3th race - 1st - 15 points

4th race - 8th - 2 points

5th race - 5th - 6 points

6th race - 2nd - 12 points

7th race - DNF - 0 points

8th race - 1st - 15 points

7th race and 4th race will be not count.


No point losing after qualifying, top 3 will always get 1 point extra from quali In this case the example driver loses only 2 points from his Final result before the Bonus Race
so we will discard our two worstest results, right?!
LFSWname - Phoon
Own Real Name - Lee Swagerty
Preferred Number - 26
Country code - USA
LFSWname - 91mason91
Own Real Name - Connor Mason
Preferred Number - 77
Country code - SCO

came 2nd at todays event
any race report?
Posting them today here on forums
today of you or today of me?
Quote from pacesetter :I'd say he meant him.....

Well i changed plans... Thought of posting 2 races at same time.. so you can expect today Race 1 and race 2 standings here...
LFSWname - pacesetter
Own Real Name - James Bolger
Preferred Number - 17
Country code - IRL
FBM finished, next 2 rounds FOX
Overall standings after race 2.

1.Scania - 23 points
2.Eliteati - 17 points
3.Buck77 - 16 points
4.91mason91 - 13 points
4.Wild - 13 points

Todays result.

+1 point quali (top 3)

- Wild
- Eliteati
- Scania

Race results.

1. Eliteati
2. Scania
3. Smegfrik (guest)
4. Wild (DNF, but given half of the possible points, because he drove over 50% of the race)

5. Highroad - DQ (Bumpdrafting many laps)
5. DMT - DQ (Bumpdrafting many laps)

- Highroad, SmegFrik and DMT allowed to take part in the Bonus race.
Join now guys while you have chance to get the full points you can have

- Penalty for Highroad and DMT, starting in any Elite Racing next event they participate from back of the grid.
Overall standings after race 3.

1.Eliteati - 34 points
2.Scania - 23 points
3.Buck77 - 16 points
4.91mason91 - 13 points
4.Wild - 13 points
4.Declang - 13 points

Todays result.

+1 point quali (top 2)

- Declang
- Eliteati

Race results.

1. Eliteati
2. Declang

I cant believe i had a disconnect 3 laps from the end !

Oh well, at least I got a podium
no one told me when the 3rd race is.....
Quote from scania :no one told me when the 3rd race is.....

i suggest event reminder (just look on forums)

anyway, from now on i keep reminding then by PM's
#71 - Arm0
LFSWname - Arm0
Own Real Name - Armo Karu
Preferred Number - 22
Country code - Est
Overall standings after race 4.

1.Eliteati - 46 points
2.Scania - 26 points
3.Wild - 24 points
4.Arm0 - 16 points
5.91mason91 - 13 points
5.Wild - 13 points
5.Declang - 13 points
8.n-murray - 4 points

Todays result.

+1 point quali (top 3)

- Wild
- Eliteati
- Arm0

Race results.

1. Arm0
2. Eliteati
3. Wild (DC, but was leading clearly)
4. N-murray
5. Scania

N-Murray gets ½ points of 4th place
Scania get ½ points of 5th place

- Scania starts from [RSTO] Season 1 every race from now on from last position for the race. Warning for dangerous driving

- N-Murray Warning for dangerous driving. Next time same penalty as for Scania.
Sorry for double post, but i've decided everyone to take part in the Bonus race - prize will be 6000 Hi-res skin downloads in LFS. Putting up a thread soon.
#74 - wild
3. Wild (DC, but was leading clearly)

Thank you very much!

I'm not really all that sure what happened, I just seemed to have lost connection. When I tried to reconnect I couldn't because when I copied the password it only copied part of it for some reason.

Will you be hosting it from your house next week or would you like to use the Storm Racing Event Server?
Quote from wild :3. Wild (DC, but was leading clearly)

Thank you very much!

I'm not really all that sure what happened, I just seemed to have lost connection. When I tried to reconnect I couldn't because when I copied the password it only copied part of it for some reason.

Will you be hosting it from your house next week or would you like to use the Storm Racing Event Server?

Storm Racing event server PLS / or new ER server which we they will get this weekend (sry for hosting @ home if that was my fault)

I tried to go on MSN few times on a straight but couldnt find you online, i changed the pass in some point of the race