Quote from mcintyrej :If you made that, I'd love to throw something at you and tell you to get the 'eff over it.

No, I didn't.

Quote from mcintyrej :They're developing the game at their own speed.


Quote from bunder9999 :theoretically, "early" can be anywhere from january 1st to june 15th.

Yes, june 15th is early of 2009....

Early - January , February, march and April
Middle - May, June, July and August
Final - etc..........


Sorry for my english
Quote from mcintyrej :If you made that, I'd love to throw something at you and tell you to get the 'eff over it.

They're developing the game at their own speed. Making stupid websites with stupid counters on only amplifies your own stupidity.

If we are given the paper (introducing vid, info and car photos) from chocolate (CAR IN LFS), and than told that the chocolate will be given to us on date - x and we don`t get it at the time, so in my understanding, we have all rights to whine
Ofcourse i`m very glad that there at all will be some new car added, but the allurement (i hope it`s the right word ) was given too big, so it`s logical, that everybody is like :singer: .
Quote from adagio4lv :Ofcourse i`m very glad that there at all will be some new car added, but the allurement (i hope it`s the right word ) was given too big, so it`s logical, that everybody is like :singer: .

I think you're right, the devs should never mention anything they're planning to release, ever again. They should just release what they release, when it's ready to be released, without saying anything in advance about what they're hoping to release, or when.

Right on!
Quote from adagio4lv :If we are given the paper (introducing vid, info and car photos) from chocolate (CAR IN LFS), and than told that the chocolate will be given to us on date - x and we don`t get it at the time, so in my understanding, we have all rights to whine

Now who's off worse? Someone who's offered chocolate, but due to unforseen reasons, gets the chocolate later. A benefit of the wait is that the chocolate is of a higher quality than it had been when it was offered in the first place.
Or someone who isn't offered chocolate at all?

I think that most of the whining in here is about as justified as the whining of a four year old, lying on the floor in front of the candy in a supermarket banging his fists and crying for chocolate.
Quote from Amynue :No, I didn't.


Well, you have 15 000 km @ LC and you say you are not no-lifer?
And yes, it is awesome. I can laught at those moaners every day.
imho much better way is to advertise something and make it happened in a correct date...
I'm not waiting for the VWS to come out, but I am waiting for anything new to come out. And to be honest, the silence from the developers is becoming a tad bit annoying. I don't care if they say that due to unforeseen circumstances the patch will have to be postponed until December 2009, but just let the community know.

There haven't been any posts by Scawen in the test patch forum either, I think. If he'd post there now and again, people would at least know that he's still working on it and progress is being made, no matter how fast or slow. Yeah I know "he's not posting because he's working on the new patch". The problem is people don't believe that anymore, and without anything "tangible" (like a post every once in a while) everything anyone says is just speculation, even the posts that say "he's working on it" and "it'll come when it's done" etc...

And I agree that they never ever ever should announce a new patch again. Ever. Release it when it's done, out of the blue.
VW has to be proud ... everybody is talking about Scirocco on this forum , now THAT is advertisement . Maybe that was dev's plan?
Best thing is so notify us when patch IS done, and then still release it a week later, to let the rumor spread and activity go up.
Quote from The Very End :Best thing is so notify us when patch IS done, and then still release it a week later, to let the rumor spread and activity go up.

That's actually a smart idea.
Quote from mcintyrej :
They're developing the game at their own speed.

hahaha. it's like from "The Fanboy Forum Bingo!"
This is not speed. People are born faster.
Quote from ponczak :hahaha. it's like from "The Fanboy Forum Bingo!"
This is not speed. People are born faster.

The developers themselves have told you all that their doing it at their own speed. Have you ever tried to develop a game on your own? I didn't think so - you don't understand what it takes.

Also, What the hell do you know about what they're doing and how fast they're doing it? They could have made a new track environment, new tire models, fixed the barrier bugs, added more setup control - you have no idea.

I'm gonna quit the internet soon, people's blind ignorance and pure stupidity never ceases to annoy and frustrate me.
Quote from ponczak :hahaha. it's like from "The Fanboy Forum Bingo!"
This is not speed. People are born faster.

Can't actually get why most active moaners are from poland. Chill, guys.

And yes, as mcintyrej said - DirectX SDK and Visual Studio C++ Express Edition are free tools.

You are welcome to make game better than LFS.
Quote from mcintyrej :
Also, What the hell do you know about what they're doing and how fast they're doing it? They could have made a new track environment, new tire models, fixed the barrier bugs, added more setup control - you have no idea.

You have no idea, either. With the lack of info from the devs, your guess is as good as anyone else's. To be honest, I'm getting as sick of these kinds of posts as I'm sick of the "moan posts". Nobody has any clue whatsoever what's being done or not; and that's the very problem here. Not the fact that the VWS isn't released yet.
Quote from obsolum :You have no idea, either. With the lack of info from the devs, your guess is as good as anyone else's. To be honest, I'm getting as sick of these kinds of posts as I'm sick of the "moan posts". Nobody has any clue whatsoever what's being done or not; and that's the very problem here. Not the fact that the VWS isn't released yet.

I wasn't saying that they are making all that stuff, I'm just telling the guy I was quoting that he has no idea what to base his "slow development speed" idea.
Quote from obsolum :With the lack of info from the devs, your guess is as good as anyone else's.


All the information that is needed has been released into the community by Scawen, and has been pasted yet again on (I think) the previous page. With red paint, to help the hard of reading. No more information than that is needed.

Desired is a different story.. some people have had their "christmas destroyed by the devs". Some others are just like...

The rest of us would *like* more information, but we don't NEED it. We are managing to live our lives regardless.
Quote from ColeusRattus : A benefit of the wait is that the chocolate is of a higher quality than it had been when it was offered in the first place.

you`re right, BUT maybe the chocolate is getting old, and u have no information that it is sharpening up, so we have been waiting with hope that it will be improved, but in real, u have no facts about it, if i remember right, devs said there will be more than just car added, so maybe we will get the same old chocolate with upgraded paper from it, and value of the chocolate will be much lower, then it was when out little sweet scirocchocolate was announced to come out, which has already our own made papers(skins) and textures (like nuts in chocolate ) improved.
We can discuss and discuss, anyway it will be pointless, `cause the result/speed doesn`t depend from us. :spleiabun
well... time for some extreme-quoting

Quote from S14 DRIFT :
I've been waiting 0 days, personally.

You're so mature. You're my hero.


Quote from mcintyrej :
Also a quick point I've probably already made [...] All the whining people will drive it for 2 weeks

Quote from 5haz :I'll say it again.
Why all this fuss over an FWD hatchback, that isn't even real?

... and it was stated over and over again that it's not about this single car.
and then once more:
Quote from obsolum :I'm not waiting for the VWS to come out, but I am waiting for anything new to come out.


Quote from The Very End :Some thing we don't know. IMO that is just a word he uses so everyone not going apeshit since there really hasn't been much of update since 07. Guess the unexpected stuff is yet another Blackwood update.

Couldn't agree more.


Quote from ColeusRattus :Now who's off worse? Someone who's offered chocolate, but due to unforseen reasons, gets the chocolate later. A benefit of the wait is that the chocolate is of a higher quality

Oh yeah? How come?


Quote from Byku :VW has to be proud ... everybody is talking about Scirocco on this forum , now THAT is advertisement . Maybe that was dev's plan?

There's something about this, but then again the audience is just too small. But hey, they even merge the "we basically want ANYthing new"-posts to the sciro-thread to hype it even more, so you could be right .


Quote from mcintyrej :The developers themselves have told you all that their doing it at their own speed. Have you ever tried to develop a game on your own? I didn't think so - you don't understand what it takes.

Also, What the hell do you know about what they're doing and how fast they're doing it? They could have made a new track environment, new tire models, fixed the barrier bugs, added more setup control - you have no idea.

I'm gonna quit the internet soon, people's blind ignorance and pure stupidity never ceases to annoy and frustrate me.

Quote from Shadowww :
You are welcome to make game better than LFS.

Quote from ponczak :hahaha. it's like from "The Fanboy Forum Bingo!"
This is not speed. People are born faster.

I already won a couple of times. I was promised a Scirocco.


And something a bit different:

All you fanboys (yeah, I call you that) go "maybe the update is BIIIG... new tracks... new features... new this... new that".

So, ok, when (or shall I say "if") the patch is released and it IS big, we - the moaners - or at least I will go: "thanks, it's cool."

But what if it's really only the Scirocco and some minor things, mainly Sciro-related? What will YOU, the fanboys, say then?
"Thanks, it's cool, it's been worth the wait..." ???
Quote from Bandit77 :All you fanboys (yeah, I call you that)

Excuse me, but why are the people waiting patiently/not caring branded as fanboys, but those saying (and I quote) "The lack of an LFS patch ruined my Christmas" aren't? Just seems a bit ironic to me that you're calling those that actually have lives and believe it will come whenever it's done fanboys, and yet siding with those that are bitching and moaning. Or is anybody who is able to wait patiently like an adult, and not a 7-year old with ADD, branded as a fanboy these days?

And to your last question - I don't mind how much comes out in the patch. It would be nice to get 15 more cars, 3 more environments, and the rally pack. All I know is, about 9 months of work has gone into this patch since Z. So, 9 months of work will be in the patch.
Quote from Bandit77 :
Oh yeah? How come?

Because Scawen said so. He was even quoted one page ago...

The ability to read is a virtue.
Quote from Shadowww :
You are welcome to make game better than LFS.

d5 , fanboy.
mcintyrej, good choose.

I think most of "moaning" people are just laughing of this situation.
BTW - I think real racers won't drive the VWS with ESP, ABS and other electronic stuff. This thread is about new improves in LFS, not FWD coldhatch.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Excuse me, but why are the people waiting patiently/not caring branded as fanboys, but those saying (and I quote) "The lack of an LFS patch ruined my Christmas" aren't? Just seems a bit ironic to me that you're calling those that actually have lives and believe it will come whenever it's done fanboys, and yet siding with those that are bitching and moaning. Or is anybody who is able to wait patiently like an adult, and not a 7-year old with ADD, branded as a fanboy these days?

Maybe "Fanboy" is the wrong word, really. I'm just fed up with the high degree of brown-nosing that's going on.

Quote : All I know is, about 9 months of work has gone into this patch since Z. So, 9 months of work will be in the patch.

Besides not even being correct, this doesn't mean anything. But I don't want to imply that you think it's gonna be a high quality or big thing.

Look at Axl Rose's "Chinese Democracy". It took ages. More than a decade. "Years of work have gone into this album."
Does it make the album better than any of the stuff that was released within "decent" time?
Quote from ColeusRattus :Because Scawen said so. He was even quoted one page ago...

The ability to read is a virtue.

I don't give a sh*t if Scawen said that chocolate tastes better the longer you wait.

The ability to read is a virtue.
This thread is closed

[MERGED] Scirocco enquiry threads
(2369 posts, closed, started )