<--and here's link to download that. And what is he saying?
00:20 - Girl - Nowadays this is the only simulator like this in Poland. I won't test it alone, Adam Kornacki will help me with this.
00:30 - So finally i can feel like at work.
00:37 - For the first time i'm driving with sequential gearbox, i'm trying somehow to deal with this, although i don't know the track so i will look at the map. It's shaking me all over the place in this.
00:48 - I have to admit that You can definitly see/feel stuff You don't feel on the typical sim on PC, all kinds of bumps and irregularities are easly felt. Up and down. Oh, and i've spun for the second time in this same place, so that means i'm starting to learn the track.
01:00 - and those were the tires.
01:06 - And now we are going to experience real forces/overloads. One lap from standing start. Ok, first gear with sequential gearbox. I'm almost like a pro :P. Here You go, immediately You feel declination/deviation to the back. Second, third, fourth, every gear change, damn almost like in my race car. If I remember correctly I have been shaken like that about 6 years ago in rallycross. Such forces were really present then. In real racing such forces propably weren't apparent, by that i mean bumps etc, but thanks to that we can truly feel the road and it's height.
1:47 - so braking, and You face immediatly moves towards the wheel. Every deceleration,and the weight moves towards the front and we have better steerability.
2:00 - so here i've overdone on one of (... didn't find the word, it's this blue/white thing by the track

.). Ok, now i have long straight and that means a little bit of relax. It unleashes animal instincts in me (O.o).
2:15 - it's broken... so You can break a car in this also? I didn't know that! I have red engine light(or something like that! ^^), so that means "the end" for me...
2:24 - If i had such a thing in my house, i would gladly prepare myself in winter for the summer racing season. Trust me that this simulator gives a lot! You can really train Yourself, and in certain precentage it can recreate what really happens in real racing car. I will drive a little more now

Btw. It's rather amateur translation

, so sorry
