The online racing simulator
Quote from JasonJ :Since you can't search for a three letter word in the forums, "BOV" I'll post them here.

You can actually.
Now I'm not sure if it was before, but it's definately possible to search for three letter words now.
Quote from Victor :You can actually.
Now I'm not sure if it was before, but it's definately possible to search for three letter words now.

Ah wicked mate. It used to say: WORD IS TOO SHORT or something, up till about last week when you added some features. Thanks for letting me/us know this. Keep up the great work Victor.
I know this has proberly been asked before but could someone direct me or make me a Subaru impretza Prodrive P2 sounds with the "Squirrel Eater" as jeremy clarkson says in this video
no no no

i like the engine sound all as on file like this,

try this for the FXR its one of gills sounds

no this sound has a BOV already with the sound


P.S. thanks JJ anyway
Attached files
FXR_default.eng - 481.6 KB - 920 views
You can copy parts of the .eng file to other cars like thus...
  • Load the FXR .eng sound on the FXR.
  • Shift-A
  • Click the [S] next to the Dump Valve adjuster (i think it's S for save )
  • Type a file name and save it
  • Get into another car you want the desired dump valve transferred to.
  • Shift-A
  • Click the [L] button next to the dump valve adjuster.
  • Choose the dump valve you just saved earlier
  • The Dump valve you wanted is loaded into the new car.
  • Save the new .eng set for later
but where can i find the P2 engine sound from?

thanks for help but XRT sounds a monster now
whats the next one going to have?
has someone this sound ? ... VhcAA&feature=related
if not please someone make it i really want it(gill?:shyi have patch v and i want it to work.please anyone!!ohh i forgot.i want it for xrt

is it possible to be done?

if you have other engine sounds i want them too please, but if you can i want from famous engines, always compatible with patch V
dude, quit the spamming, you're triple-posting for god's sake!
(re)check out Gills' thread's first post, there is a Demo Soundpack there. It's all I can do to help for now.
At start, I wanted a NSX superGT sound for XRR.

Finally the sound is not a NSX lol.

But i really love it !
Attached files
XRR_SuperGT2.eng - 423.9 KB - 1295 views
Do anyone had a "turbo whistle" sound, that sounds like a Supercharger? (Kenne Bell Cobra for example)
Quote from WIGGA :Do anyone had a "turbo whistle" sound, that sounds like a Supercharger? (Kenne Bell Cobra for example)

i had made one hope you like it
Attached files
kennebell supercharger.rar - 34.3 KB - 1269 views
Quote from Rascar13 :Ok, try this. Not sure if i can get it any closer to the real thing

Thanks man... The Sound of The Car is Great.... Nice Work
well my WRX sound.. makes me jizz every time i hear it =]


Attached files
XRT_WRX1.eng - 438.9 KB - 1516 views
Hello Anyone can create sound like this to XRT ? ... p;feature=player_embedded
max similar

With that blowoff (attach file) if it possible

Sorry for my grammar :P I'm from Poland :P I understand english but i can't speak or write on english

I add engine sound with that blowoff
Attached files
BlowOff.mp3 - 236.5 KB - 1191 views
XRT_m3turbo.eng - 325.8 KB - 1589 views

Engine Sound Sharing
(983 posts, started )