The online racing simulator
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Hmm, both don't seem screamy enough, i prefer your V8 one, even though i don't use it when driving only on replays Good effort to make a useable one though

I have found that by lowering the off power tone, I can increase the screaminess of the sound without completely screwing the whole engine sound up!

Give this one a go y'all
Attached files
BF1_Gills.eng - 159.9 KB - 393 views
Quote from madden14 :yes i mean RB4 and yes i can drive it.

Quote from Furiously-Fast :lol, sig material! :bananadea

Not in mine, I love my rofl truck!

Quote from John5200 :wow, still not banned

back on like page 32-34 you'z all made fun of me thinking i was lying... but you jump to conclusions too fast and disbelieve too quickly... if i say i can drive an RB4 you should conclude that there is a mistake somewhere... the case was that my account was registered wrong. A simple question of do you own a S2 account may have been appropriate and possibly proof of the account. Thanks for getting my other account banned idiots! :@
Just so that everyone is aware, I updated the BF1 sound in post#1 because I feel that I have improved it a lot and I am happy that it sounds a lot more realistic.
Updated and improved the BF1 sound a lot I think. Sorry, I just can't leave this car alone!
Attached files
BF1_Gills.eng - 162.6 KB - 465 views
Quote from Gills4life :Updated and improved the BF1 sound a lot I think. Sorry, I just can't leave this car alone!

LOL you weirdo, how can you be sorry?! That's fducking amazing!!!
Heh! Well I added it to the first post. I scrapped the other sounds and I will slowly work on new ones that I will add one by one. The sounds I have added so far are all new that I have been working on, apart from the ITCC FXR sound which was up there before.
FZ5 added.
Quote from Senninha25 :uh...sorry to break it to you, but I'm afraid Gills doesn't take requests anymore...

Well if people post them then when I do begin to do them again then I can refer back to them, so I don't mind.
Added a new LX6 sound.

Might try and do a drifting pack as it seems quite popular.
Done an AE86 Corolla sound for the XRT
Attached files
XRT_GillsAE86.eng - 378.5 KB - 591 views
Uploaded my MRT sound.
Quote from Gills4life :Added a new LX6 sound.

Might try and do a drifting pack as it seems quite popular.

that i really hope u do man..
My game can't read any of Gill's engine sounds
Quote from Latetzki :My game can't read any of Gill's engine sounds

Download Patch Z10 and then they will all work.
yo Gills nice sounds !!!

hey man when you have a free time, can you make this engine sound for me ? is a Skyline with a screamer pipe ! the best sound is 0:28~0:32

here is the link:

is in High Quality, can you make this sound for RB4 GT ?

Hey gills i just wanted a nice sound that i wanted soo much in RB4, you know 2fast 2furious right ? i loved the Lancer Evolution VII engine sound, and it looks that they used stock engine to make the movie, can you make me EVO VII engine sound like 2fast 2furious for my RB4 ? Thanks in advance and congratulations for you good work !!!

Thanks again Gills !
he has stopped making requests... just use the awesome ones he has now
i have a little problem..i load the gill's sound but it says that the file was created by a later program..i have patch v..can anyone help?

plz someone answer me i want to test gill's sounds

You need patch Z10 to make them work.
damm it.gill are there any sounds for this patch i play?the v?if you have some similar to the previous on this thread plz upload them.i prefer turbos.or if you want and have the time work on one good and pm it to me.thanks


anyone that has some good engine sounds for patch v?upload them here

anyone that has some good engine sounds for patch v?upload them here plz


Why would you still be running on the old V anyway, as there have been countless improvements since that older version was released.

Ahh i see, demo racers could drive the XRT using V.

Anyway, version V is no longer current so dont expect anyone to be making anything else for it.

It's way way old mate, if you want anything that has been made recently to work then you need z, and for the sounds you need patch Z10.
Quote from kostas7 :damm it.gill are there any sounds for this patch i play?the v?if you have some similar to the previous on this thread plz upload them.i prefer turbos.or if you want and have the time work on one good and pm it to me.thanks


anyone that has some good engine sounds for patch v?upload them here

anyone that has some good engine sounds for patch v?upload them here plz



If you want to try other peoples sounds then I would kindly ask you to request from the Engine Sound Sharing thread and not ask everyone to upload sounds here.
ok i've already done this.take a look might help(sorry for all these up there)

Gills' Sound Workshop
(1523 posts, started )