Aphex Twin - Actium
Karl Sanders - Saurian Exorcisms (album)

->ahh the new album is much better than I expected!
Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife
Kings of Leon - 17

E: **** it, now

Slipknot - Disasterpiece (Live)
9.0 Live Album mofus!
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - March of the Swine

nothing like a 20-minute epic to get me going
Stereophonics - Mr Writer

"You've just enough, in my own view, education to perform, I'd like to shoot you all"
Bathory - A Fine Day To Die
666 - SupaDupaFly
Demons & Wizards - Spatial Architects
Nish-acidy overdrive(dave joy remix)
Spor - Stompbox (Spor Remix)

yay dnb at its finest
You should buy his album. It's great
(D.Zanetti) DELETED by D.Zanetti
saliva - ladies and gentlemen
Synergy - Midnight Maddnes
Ummet Ozcan - Timewave Zero (original mix)
Zero-T - 1000 Dreams
Chris Clark - The Autumnal Crush
3 Doors Down - Let me go

Next - DJ Shadow - Stem/long stem.
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The what music are you listening to now thread
(16853 posts, closed, started )