Your Name: Daniel Jähnig (47)
Involved Cars: D.Jähnig (47) ; K.Gasiunas (53)
Lap or Replay Time: Lap 11/32 ; 19:26:25 Server Time. At feature Race!

description from your POV:
Recovered safely from the green, Car 53 Cutted me from the inside across the green and pushed me from the normal racing line into the gravel.
Quote from hyntty :
The Lathuanian

Hybrid nationality?

BTW, those overtakes was more like Australian GP ones, you remember that accident with Trulli and Hamilton.
EDIT:Sorry, hadn't in mind that Hynninen is failed and have position in front of me, so I didn't let him pass through.
Jahnig: It was a lot of space to pass, you just didn't reacted in time, IMHO.
Quote from karkar :@ Psymonhilly
first my name is papenfuss, but that doesn't matter ;-)
well, i think nearly everybody got bumped during that sc period, that's just the way things happen.
but your teammate with number 53 bumped me really hard half a lap b4 i took u out.
i don't wanna report that, cause i had no damage of it so i don't care.
but when entering the first turn after the oval part he was sliding sideways behind me. i watched the scene from his point of view aswell and he was more then far enough away from me, but of course i cannot see that while i'm racing.
so it is obvious that i also looked into the mirror cause i've been kind of scared from the car behind me.
unluckily i looked to the front a bit too late again and i braked, but it took u out cause it has been just too late.
but for me that is not enough to get a penalty,
cause u didn't have any damage of it and it was definitely not on purpose.
i said sorry several times aswell, but of course it is up to the race direction what to do.
i just wanted to show my point of view aswell...


its not the bumps that upset me, it was the forced off track i was sitting 6th at that point, hence me being upset but that's racing. was unfair that i got punished for it tho and put back to last place.
if it was a general thing that happened to most (if not all) the grid then i will happily retract my protest and leave it to the race admins.
i not holding a grudge or nothing chap, was just stating the incident like the admins like us to do hope to have a battle next time around, but with no off tracks
of course i can understand that u are upset about it.
and yeah, i have to agree with u that it would have been nice to let u back on ur spot, was plenty of time for that.
but in my opinion it does not help if i get a penalty now.
but let the admins speak.

p. s.: hope to have such a good fight like last race again with u simon, just without a crash...
no I don't mind it.

Last Year's fastest lap was a 1:24.09 by Pasi Venäläinen, FIN, Formula Racing Organization

hopefully there will be more racers then in last year's race (2008 saw 8 racers @ Westhill)
SO if last years pace is the measurement... then I'll win! Wohoo!

No seriously I think the race pace will be 23's. I'm sure Rudy will do 22's while we others swellow in mediocraty.

investigation by admins
cars involved: 51, 87
Feature Race Lap 32, 52:30
dead heat


LFSCART Rulebook XIII.7.a)
I wonder what will happen when storm 's there. Rudy vs. Dave -> wow!
Whilst I have no qualms with the decision taken for 2nd place I think you should choose a better way of sorting it out in future. Storm Cloud said that apparently the timing is always right because it clocks back to when you actually cross the line, whereas the visual position only updates 5(?) times a second. Theoretically you could finish say 0.05s behind but still appear to be infront visually even though you're not.

Either way I'm happy with 2nd or 3rd.
actually what I did just 15 mins ago was more of wrong then right... cause there is a rule about dead heat.
XIII.7.a)Points awarded for all positions of competitors who tie, will be added together and shared equally.

even as admin you should read the rulebook anyways according to that rule we have two racers on P2 -> though in the official results car 51 will be listed infront of you because of the starting number. My previous decision is therefore NOT enforced.

Sry for the embarresment.
You do you know that LFS does the timing down to thousandths of a second yet just does not use it, unless there is a tie in the hundreths? So, basically, whatever LFS says is right!
Quote from lizardfolk :Hey Falke hope you dont mind that I post this thread. But I'm just very curious.

What's a good lap time around here? What are u running rudy?


Top10 to date

1 Rudy Van Buren 01:21.950 50
2 Storm_Cloud 01:22.250 244
3 karkar 01:23.160 129
4 Cile28 01:23.220 122
5 Pearcy 01:23.300 14
6 salaneuvos 01:23.380 89
7 hyntty 01:24.300 76
8 mcintyrej 01:24.500 9
9 fermevc 01:24.770 199
10 wild 01:24.850 33

haha thats online, dont wanto know what i got in hotlap but becaus im in damn Z10 i cant upload it
omg!!! 21!!!!
Doesn't look too well those online times. I think at least 70/89 of my laps are made half a year ago in CTRA servers (R.I.P.) with FJR. :o

My goal is to take sec of that 23.3 in quali and crash in race. Rudy will make new WR in quali and secure max points from race to our team.
Lol Lizard, you gotta go practise alot more.
Hmm, recently I was driwe this combo , and i must admit to I dont like him.
To get a top time must driwe wery risky, and I dont like those way to driwe.
(Cile28) DELETED by Cile28
- LFSName: SRLT J.Teien
- First and Last Name: Jarl Teien
- Car Number (between 1 and 109): 6#
- Country (Using ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 standard): NOR
- Team Affiliation (if applicable): SimRacing Lithuania Team
Quote from aroX123 :- LFSName: SRLT J.Teien
- First and Last Name: Jarl Teien
- Car Number (between 1 and 109): 4#
- Country (Using ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 standard): NOR
- Team Affiliation (if applicable): SimRacing Lithuania Team

Well, erm.....

Quote from dekojester :
The following are permanently banned from [NDR] events due to speedhacking in official sessions and/or in the NDR server.

LFSName Start Date End Date Duration

Rocklan N/A Never Permanent
soapy_bits N/A Never Permanent
cybix N/A Never Permanent
Arox123 N/A Never Permanent

I have never speedhacked on your server.
Quote from aroX123 :I have never speedhacked on your server.

Well that's undoubtably true. We just think you're a bloody annoying person and made the speedhack shit up so we wouldn't hurt your feelings.

To the actual point: Jackson did issue a second chance thing on someone else so it kinda would be fair to do the same here. But I won't lose my sleep even if we don't.
Here are some unofficial results after the first round.
looking really good man.
Nice job, thanks !
Any race results?