Tas nebij qual aplis, vai hotlaps, ka viņš tev neparko nedrīkst traucēt līnijai, un beidz pārspīlēt, vēlreiz saku, ja ir yellow flag, tas ir domāts, kad kāds rāpjas uz trases, un tu viņu apdzen ne ar 100% atdevi, runa iet par to, ka tu skrēji, un aizskrēji tā teikt sienā. Pareizi būtu bijis: Tu redzi, ka rāpjas ufr uz trases, NEDAUDZ pacel gāzi, tā lai vari paņemt platāku trajektoriju un aidā.. apdzen kā ērtāk nedaudz zaudējot ātrumu.. viņam tak nebji jāsēž zālē un jāgaida katra nākamā mašīna.
p.s. Padomā pats, viņš tak nevar pilnīgi droši uzrāpties uz trases, nepalaižot visus garām.. viņam bij visi jālaiž garām ? tāpēc jau ir yellow flag, ka TEV jābūt uzmanīgākam, nevis viņam, bet TEV.
translation. krč, tu vari lagu vainot vai ko, ka tev yellow flag pa vēlu parādījās, bet runa iet par to, ka tu apsūzēji cilvēku par to, kur nav nekādas viņa vainas
It wasn't a qual lap, or a hotlap, that he shouldn't disturb your line in any way. And stop exagerrating, I'll say it once more, yellow flag = that somebody in front has problems, so you ease off abit, and not charge ahead 100% and then put yourself into a wall.
The right thing to do : You see an ufr climbing back onto the track, you lift off just abit, so you can change your line nicely, and that's it.. You overtake how ever you can, loosing a fraction of a second. He Didn't have to sit in grass and wait for all cars to pass him "safely".
p.s. think for yourself, he can't climb back onto track 100% safe, unless he lets the whole grid pass him. That's why there is yellow flag, it means that YOU have to be more carefull, not him, but YOU. You can blame the lag, if the yellow flag showed up "late", but what we are trying to say, you can't blame the guy, that didn't do anything wrong except crash.
lol essay