Some sort of Developer Blog?...
As the title says, We could use some sort of Developer Blog to keep us S2 buyers upto speed as to when we can expect updates to this Paid for Alpha test software..

I know there is only 3 Developers but since Patch z10 and the imminent
release of the Scirocco back in December, There has been no other real info for over 4 months...

Im not bothered about the long waits between releases, Just its nice to know if there is progress being made or if they are taking an extended holiday...

People put faith and alot of money in the developers to deliver a product that hasnt had any major changes since S2 was released, Which was back in 2005.... 2 cars and tweaks isnt really progress...
#2 - CSU1
Quote from Foilpact :
People put faith and alot of money in the developers to deliver a product that hasnt had any major changes since S2 was released, Which was back in 2005.... 2 cars and tweaks isnt really progress...

You are taking the piss, right?

"A lot of money"...Each of the stages are as cheap as chips compared to others, so what do you want?

If Scavier were to release a blog people would inevitably bitch and moan when the blog is not updated and would also argue on the content being worked on and at what times etc. Bottom line it really isn't any of our business what and when Scavier do, you've read the agreement when you bought S2 and if you don't understand the design process by now you never will.

Asking for a blog and asking for Scavier to divulge when they are on extended breaks is asking for yet another problem that will only result in the whole process grinding to a halt whilst the community bickers about tit-for-tat pieces of the design process which doesn't belong in the public domain in the first place, so, -1 here.

BTW, you won't get far in life asking for something and go on to insult five years work by saying "2 cars and tweaks isnt really progress..."
LFS Forums :

The place where your opinion on development related stuff will be met with flaming and people telling you that that's not how the devs work and how other people would always complain, blah blah blah.

Doesn't matter that it's your opinion (irrespective whether it's right, wrong, fair or unfair), but the fact it goes against the bulk of the LFS Forum users means you will get flamed. Have fun.
Quote from CSU1 :You are taking the piss, right?

"A lot of money"...Each of the stages are as cheap as chips compared to others, so what do you want?

If Scavier were to release a blog people would inevitably bitch and moan when the blog is not updated and would also argue on the content being worked on and at what times etc. Bottom line it really isn't any of our business what and when Scavier do, you've read the agreement when you bought S2 and if you don't understand the design process by now you never will.

Asking for a blog and asking for Scavier to divulge when they are on extended breaks is asking for yet another problem that will only result in the whole process grinding to a halt whilst the community bickers about tit-for-tat pieces of the design process which doesn't belong in the public domain in the first place, so, -1 here.

Actually, people invest a lot more money than just the cost of the game. You have wheels, monitors, computers, racing seats, in some cases all just bought to play LFS for the time being. I realize this is not the devs responsibility since the person chooses to buy these things, but the cost of an LFS license is hardly the amount people invest in racing. People with this kind of an investment would obviously appreciate a developer blog to know what's going on.

I agree with you on the second point though, people would complain about things constantly if things don't move along as fast as they want. But people complain now anyway, I can't see it being much worse with a blog. I give it a +1, I'd love to know what they're working on while we wait for the next patch. I realize the devs are damned if they do, damned if they don't in regards to giving out news on the development of LFS, I say just give us an update everyone once and a while so we know what's going on. Just my opinion though.
#5 - CSU1
Quote from S14 DRIFT :LFS Forums :
...the fact it goes against the bulk of the LFS Forum users means you will get flamed. Have fun.

Getting flamed is cool and this ain't no popularity contest.

You are right though, there has been a lot of people pounded on in this here improvments suggestions forum , but, they all deserved it for crap suggestions(me included )

Tis just a viciouscycle of suggestive self inflicted flaming
if you want the devs to be faster this blog idea is just going to slow them down more so why not just be patient and maybe go play an FPS or some other game to pass time? as i haven't played LFS for maybe a month or so because i don't really need to as i'll be going on vacation in a few days and i won't be here to particapate in Round 2 of the GTAL so i don't need to practice for that round.

Try Football Superstars as its free and exxelent. and it passes time
Quote from CSU1 :Getting flamed is cool and this ain't no popularity contest.

You are right though, there has been a lot of people pounded on in this here improvments suggestions forum , but, they all deserved it for crap suggestions(me included )

Tis just a viciouscycle of suggestive self inflicted flaming

Perhaps so, but it's just that sometimes when a user just would like to know what's going on with a product they like (which is fair enough it would seem, no?) that every time they so much as mention it, a load of people jump down their throat and everyone flames them..

Irrespective of whether we pay for S2 as a "full game" or a "WIP", it's nice to know what work's being done..

perhaps some sort of a death clock..
#9 - CSU1
Quote from S14 DRIFT :

it's nice to know what work's being done..

Yer perhaps, but Isn't it blatantly obvious that that's just the way it is around here, you understand that it's just not like any other 'sim' as the dev team is so small so why not just accept and stop being rude saying "are we there yet.are we there yet.are we there yet...

As far as a blog goes I don't see the need to know, just imagine the distractions it would cause with the community demanding last minute changes with "MAKE NUT BIGG0R OR I WALK" threads.

MAybe it would be nice to know, but all we need to know is found by taking a look at the epic change log's and hope for the best
Quote from CSU1 :Yer perhaps, but Isn't it blatantly obvious that that's just the way it is around here, you understand that it's just not like any other 'sim' as the dev team is so small so why not just accept and stop being rude saying "are we there yet.are we there yet.are we there yet...

As far as a blog goes I don't see the need to know, just imagine the distractions it would cause with the community demanding last minute changes with "MAKE NUT BIGG0R OR I WALK" threads.

MAybe it would be nice to know, but all we need to know is found by taking a look at the epic change log's and hope for the best

I do agree in your philosophies, not everyone who posts are active forum members. Like this guy has made like under 50 posts. Give him (and others!) a break.

But to be fair, 30 minutes won't hurt. The Devs have phones, MSN and the like, so can easily compile a paragraph from each of them or something, and if Victor can spare the time to play Mini Golf with Erik (n1erik) then I don't think it's out of line to ask him to spare 5 minutes just to give us a mini update every so often.. Maybe once a month even!!
#11 - CSU1
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I do agree in your philosophies, not everyone who posts are active forum members. Like this guy has made like under 50 posts. Give him (and others!) a break.

But to be fair, 30 minutes won't hurt. The Devs have phones, MSN and the like, so can easily compile a paragraph from each of them or something, and if Victor can spare the time to play Mini Golf with Erik (n1erik) then I don't think it's out of line to ask him to spare 5 minutes just to give us a mini update every so often.. Maybe once a month even!!

Mini Golf, that's your answer?

Now you want a blog and golf and community relations on MSN and all ,

I tried to make them race once, how gay that turned out to be

Just phone Scawen S14 if you want
I was meaning that the Devs can contact each other and compile a small blog between them each month, or share information by phone.

Victor plays Golf with Erik so I was just saying he can't be THAT! pressed for time, pardon my assumptions.
#13 - CSU1
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I was meaning that the Devs can contact each other and compile a small blog between them each month, or share information by phone.

Victor plays Golf with Erik so I was just saying he can't be THAT! pressed for time, pardon my assumptions.

LMAO!!! I hope when you ask him to play golf and write a blog he tells you to gfy and mind your own business
The good ol "I bought your product now give me a seat on the design committee" entitlement whine.. Never gets old.

How about.. "It'll be done when it's done"? There was a time when games had zero interface between devs and players. There's such a thing as too much interface and that's the devs' prerogative. If you've been paying attention since 2006, you ought to know pretty much where that arbitrary lines lies in Scavier's case.
As someone said in a other topic, the devs lacks a plan, therfor the progress goes slow..or well better, NO progress at all. Here some things they could do, that doesn't takes years to develop and that AIN'T are some freaking language supports :

* Make LFS benefitable of dualcore, 1 month work
* Fik barrier bug. Even if it means to change aspect in the game code it IS needed
* Add some more objects to autocross editor to have people play with it, I am sure it will be usefull if there were more objects that could be suitable for normal racing
* Take a look on the clutch again, no car in the world destroys the clutch by doing +- 10 flatshifts. Even not a lada

Tbh I have no idea what Eric does. Blackwood and SO update and two cars made since 2005. Well, I do know it's high quality stuff, but that hardly is speed at all, Live For Speed has turned out to LFS (Live for SNAIL) in regard of development speed.

I think a blogg is good, because the devs need a plan, or it's all going to end up in nothing. I just love the idea of waiting 4 new years for yet enother BL / SO updates, aswell as 1-2 cars, not to mention the barrier thingy. So maybe a blogg is actually a good thing for the dev's, because either they work as snails or they really has a ..funky work moral.
Now I do know they have said xxxx number of times that they want to be their own bosses and work the way they do, but come on, you hardly have been working the last years!
So go make a better LFS, if you can do it better than they can, as you say. You're not privvy to the devs' plan; that premise is bogus. "NO progress at all"... Where do you find this stuff? Do you have surveillance equipment in their workspace or something? A blog would make zero difference, save some substraction to their game dev. productivity. You want them to have good work morale - let them do their job in peace.
But now tell me how a ordinary work week with 40 hours of work, results in shallow updates to BL and SO, aswell as 2 cars on 4 years of work.
We do know they are not working that much, even if they are 3 people they should be able to do more work.
Now, as we said 1000's of times, they like to work their way, that's ok, but as someone mentioned in a other thread you need a plan by doing things, not just "Well develop S2 further" plan. Then there will just end up in things like what happend with the Rallypack or Lx8.

But some people are too much into this fanboy thing, and won't discuss the matter constructive.

I hope, and belive the devs has a lot up in their sleeves, that proves me wrong, but if they has not much more than minor cockpit updates and the Scirrocco, well then I wonder when S2 will ever come. 2014?¨

This is not to moan, or to say that the devs are so lazy bums that canot do anything usefull. It's just such a shame with all the potencial LFS has, that it's not getting as utelized as it could been. I'v been here for quite some time, and I know they like to make quality stuff, witch normally takes long time. But at this point, where we are now, it seems like the devs themself has lost interest in the whole thing. Updates did come slow in the past too, but things has seemed to really take extra long now. I still love this game, I just want the dev's to for once actually take some advices from various people instead of shutting down the doors with the normal "we do it our way" attitute. (even if they are the ones with full rights and their product).
I'd be cautios, Tor. Last time anyone mentioned the workload, that person mad a dev very, very upset.

Thing is, we can't change how they work, and we don't know how much they work especially since we don't know if any of the devs has side projects that need time too.

As said in another thread, I personally don't like the idea of a dev blog, as it would cause more whining and flaming in these forums, which were actually quite a nice place to be until the Scirocco got postponed.
I still agree though that Scavier should be a tad more communicative than it is now. I guess we're spoiled by the frequent testpatches we had up until Z10, so this long silence hit's us twice as bad as let's say silence from the Duke Nukem 4ever devs.

I for one would be for a small official status update and a community q&a as a one time event (or rather, less frequent than a blog). Still, I won't complain if there isn't anything of that kind as it wouldn't serve a purpose anyway.
What is up with everyone talking to me by the name, kind of freaky indeed lol..

Yeah, I'll somehow agree that is not of my buisness speculation in how much they work, because I have no knowlege about the subject, just standar opinions or belifs on how long it takes to create stuff.

I read your other post and thie and I somewhat agree. If they had real-time discussion, or something like "send your qeustions to the devs today at xx.xx" it would be hell and cause a lot of moderator work.

A blogg is maybe too extreme too, but like a progress report every now and then would not hurt. Not often, 1 time each month or 1 time every 2th month would be enough, but just to let us know what they are currently working on. I am fan of secrets, but sometimes giving some "meat" back to the community can do good things too, not just whining.
The bottom line is that it's none of your business how they go about theirs, unless they explicitely invite you to know about it or ask for your input. Forums are a victim of their own success.. They're an eminent venue for users to give their feedback, which too many users now take for granted as some guarantee that their unique point of view somehow trumps all the other users', or even the developers'.
What would everyone do if we get all this bitching and then in 2 weeks we get a new message saying they've reworked the engine for Dx9 along with perfected collision detection and a complete damage model?

How do you know they're not going to? Surely the sign of someone actually doing work is the fact that they're not sitting around writing about it. Hell, I know I make more forum posts when I'm bored at work.

Patience is a virtue, grasshopper. Use it. Life is long, the wait is merely living it.
Quote from The Very End :
Now I do know they have said xxxx number of times that they want to be their own bosses and work the way they do, but come on, you hardly have been working the last years!

I guess you didn't mean it like that but this is a very bold statement and I would be pretty pissed if I were a dev and read this.
Quote from zeugnimod :I would be pretty pissed if I were a dev and read this.

And I suspect that's probably why we don't see them around here as much between updates.

They'll come on and check for bug reports and the like, but I can't imagine them wanting to sit and surf the forums for fun, with the way people do nothing but bitch and moan about it.

Surely you all must have something else you could be doing.
#24 - STF
lol TVE, you know what you need? To remember the past.
Especially the first versions of LFS, then.. Go up, let`s say.. patch P.
You`ll eat your words.
This forum was once a place where intelligent people had sensible discussions...

S14 Daft, why do you always want everything from everyone, NOW? Has it ever occurred to you that other people may have lives that don't involve being your slave?

So what if Victor wants to play minigolf, he can do whatever he wants... Is he allowed to sleep according to you guys? And progress reports, yeah, great idea really, why hasn't that been tried before... Oh wait