Free Simbin Volvo game
(170 posts, started )
A car designed by the winner of the local primary school drawing contest put into a computer game written by the winner of the local primary school trigonometry contest.

Can't wait.
#27 - MR_B
Quote from The Very End :I preserve the right to think it's crap til a video is posted

Either go all out instant fun, like the success Trackmania did (and free too!), or go the realism way (IRacing, LFS, NR2003 etc). Hybrid sucks.

Look to the right of the page for a video.

Also, i'd much prefer this Volvo for the game

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

whatever, Volvo's have never been my type of car. They just seem bland and boring. And that 'thing' the the Screenshots look weird. I'll pass.
#30 - JJ72
"The fresh and exiting Volvo S60 Concept ........."

hmmm an exiting car.......
Their website does not work for me. I can not use the top menu nothing is clickable.
Quote from The Very End :It's Volvo, you canot expect much of it
Also, for free I will demand less of a game, when that is said, if they want to aim simulator they should do it all out. Not stop on the middle and create some strange shitty physics.

Look at S40/S60
Quote from Stefani24 :Volvo were looking good some time ago.
But this one is just fugly.

Quote from The Very End :Do not agree.
The old volos looked like some freakshow, like "what baby do you get if you have sex with a box?". Was semi-box-ish type of looking. I don't like their new forms, but liked the old ones even less.

Volvo's are ugly, but they are rehiable cars that takes a propper beating. Never seen a volvo that refuses to start.

Sex with the box is pretty enjoyable
Quote from hazaky :Volvos have good durablity

Quote from Inouva :Well , volvo always do "Boxed" cars , but the Volvo C30 , was realy a nice looking car

Yeah,sure, S40 and S60 are good examples
Quote from Stefani24 :850, s40(pre s60like looking), s60.


Quote from MR_B :Look to the right of the page for a video.

Also, i'd much prefer this Volvo for the game

Wow, nice car
Quote from jwardy : Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Internet Exploder is not a browser, it is tool do download Firefox, Opera, Safari or Chrome.
just bought a 850 GLT 2.5 with 129k on the clocks

comftable, resonable on petrol if you drive steady, roomy and quiet........

until you floor it!

OMG, for such a big car, it shifts, and the noise is wonderful! as i understand it the top V70 estate will leave a 911 behind........
We have BMW already, why not a Audi or something. This volvo really does look like crap.
Caravan included?
The volvo concept is just mere promoting. There's more cars as well that we don't know yet so we can't bash it just yet or feel embarassed for wanting to play it.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :We have BMW already, why not a Audi or something. This volvo really does look like crap.

why does everyone have to complain about EVERYTHING

if you dont like it, dont download it and dont play it... geez
It is my opinion, if you dont like it then totally ignore my post.
As a Volvo enthusiast I hope for some classic 1960's cars as well, like the PV544, Amazon (122) and the P1800. I'm curious to see what "well known Volvo race cars" they'll have. Variety ftw!
Would be nice with even older cars as well, but it's not like they'd fit into a racing game.

Although I must say my expectations on this game are not that big... We'll see!
Don't get me wrong, even if the Volvo's are ugly, there are tons of good things about them. Safety is one of them. Crash with a other car and I can assure you'll almost with certainly walk away. However, if you are hit by a volvo you simply can prepare going towards the light.

A other thing is their life span. Man, you can see volvo's that looks like they have been hit by a train, but still goes as a charm without having any problems. It's ugly, but it's worth every penny! (that's better than a lot of the other crap cars out there).
Quote from mr grady :
OMG, for such a big car, it shifts, and the noise is wonderful! as i understand it the top V70 estate will leave a 911 behind........

If the top motorized V70 will accelerate under 5,6 seconds from 0 to 60 mph, then it could beat the slowest 911 (Type 993). But I'll doubt that.

#45 - MR_B
Quote from Eldanor :Which Volvo is that?

It's a Volvo P1800, and it holds the world record for the highest mileage of 2.7million miles. (not the car pictured)
Quote from BigPeBe :In a way I agree that Volvo's are and were ugly. Tho the car in the screenshots isn't ugly in same way, it's ugly like any other modern car is too. Looks like UFO.

But I would love to own a 80's RWD 242 in matte black or similar ugly color, with some noticeable rust and ugly wheels, but with mad fast turbo engine.
I'm just afraid this game won't feature anything similar, probably only boring cars in it.

Well it's free so I might download and try it.

i agree. altrough there is a few l volvo models i like
the -00 or -99 S70 and this S80 thats abit newer
altrought it might be that i only like my dads car pechause it has wooden parts in interior
Quote from the very end :don't get me wrong, even if the volvo's are ugly, there are tons of good things about them. Safety is one of them. Crash with a other car and i can assure you'll almost with certainly walk away. However, if you are hit by a volvo you simply can prepare going towards the light.

A other thing is their life span. Man, you can see volvo's that looks like they have been hit by a train, but still goes as a charm without having any problems. It's ugly, but it's worth every penny! (that's better than a lot of the other crap cars out there).

Yep. Now it looks interesting
/me wants.

Free Simbin Volvo game
(170 posts, started )