The online racing simulator
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(102 posts, started )
Nice to hear Bob !

I have a question about your VHPA version 3, I downloaded it form your website, and I noticed that the weight (well, the Kerb Mass to be precise) is too high compared to the value in LFS (I think especially about the XRG, XRT, FXO and FZ5).
Are those values from an old version of LFS, or do the higher kerb mass (1235 vs 1150 kilos for the XRG) refer to something specific (provided that there is no driver in the car).
Values in VHPA are taken with zero fuel, but with a driver present. Seeing as you can't race without a driver, I don't see it as being important to analyse the handling of a car that's not in control.
Mr Smith, I have found a virus in your file, I'd now like you to pay for my new computer.

Joking Lol, these a great cruise setups! I can cruise all day long with these.
Setup pack updated for 0.6A (yes, I know it's not out yet, but the 0.5Z test patches should be close enough).

All cars have been changed, mostly brakes and suspension, making use of the new ABS where applicable.

See first post for download.
Great stuff look forward to trying them out
Cheers Bob.
A quick note about VHPA, the latest release atm (v3.1.3) does not support the ABS flag, so will strip it out from any setup you modify using it. Although I've added it in my version, there is more I want to do before I release v3.1.4 (or version π as I like to call it ).
Doh, took a moment to get that (thankfully )!

edit: VHPA sez
car r f
~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
uf1 1.78 1.6
xfg 1.71 1.55
xrg 1.6 1.45
lx4 2.08 2.35
lx6 2.26 2.5
rb4 1.72 1.55
xrt 1.75 1.6
fxo 1.73 1.55
rac 2.09 2.03
fz5 1.80 1.68

Heh, you beat me to it. I finally tracked down my old spreadsheet and updated it, see attached screenshot:
Attached images
Bob, how the fcuk it got VW Scirocco set in?
I was wondering that too

Fantastic setups, btw. The only little "bug" (if we can call it so) is that, when you put 4 passengers + the driver in the car, the car goes all the way down due to the softness of the suspension.
The UF1 then is undriveable, the other cars are better even if you can feel the whole thing "bottom" (is this the correct word? I mean when the car hits the road and, pressing F, the arrow turns red)
Don't ask me why on earth one would use a car in a racing simulator with 5 people in it, just tried
Hmm, good point, I didn't test for that. This revision of the pack should be better at that situation than ever before though, as I'm now basing suspension frequenices for a level, more comfortable ride over bumps at speed (so rear is stiffer rather than the front on most cars), and I'm taking a passenger and 50% fuel into account when tuning values.
Thanks a lot for the setups! Looking forward to driving around, now that I have a FFB wheel to feel something
If I may suggest, (setups like) these should be the base sets for all the road cars in LFS, and then the adjustable options should be limited to realistic values around that. That would also slow down this "omg, LFS feels like ice" whine, if the road cars actually had a suspension and a differential.
Seeing as we now have the Race_S sets included with LFS, the default ones do seem a bit redundant, so the hard_track sets could feasibly be replaced with road_going (or something similar). I'm happy for my sets to be used, and it would be consistent with the VWS anyway, but obviously it's up to the devs how they wish the game to be presented.
#67 - Byku
Bob... so You did the setup for VWS... so that means You've got vb3(from VHPA) file of VWS? Could You post it? I would be happy to play with VWS in VHPA and... i'm kinda lazy to do the recreation of VWS in VHPA now .
Sure, it will come as part of v3.1.4 anyway:
Attached files - 364 B - 456 views
#69 - Byku
Thanks a lot . Can't wait to new version on VHPA .
#70 - Aid
just had a look at vws roadgoing setup.. is it soft similar to real vws? it's quite heavy and sort ot mr. softy very unusual (for lfs) brake balance... i wonder how limited the setup options will be.. can't wait to take it for a spin
The road going setup in this pack is my interpretation of the real VWS with the dampers in comfort mode, and with the springs in their softer range (the real springs are progressive). The default set in LFS is aiming to replicate the dampers in sport mode, and with the springs at the stiffer end of their range (a necessary step, as springs in LFS are linear, not progressive). Also, in either of the three modes, the dampers on the new Scirocco are actively controlled, so it will never be the same as the real car.

No doubt the ESP and TC systems aren't going to exactly match what a team of Volkswagen engineers have spent months tuning either. Within the (current) constraints of LFS though, the devs are aiming to get the car as close to real life as possible.
Quote from Bob Smith :Also, in either of the three modes, the dampers on the new Scirocco are actively controlled, so it will never be the same as the real car.

Well, if the LFS devs has been working on the car (and i mean only the car, which i dont think) for the last 5 months, then im pretty sure that they have made improvements to the suspensions in LFs to resemble the real deal. If not, then its just not a REAL car, in the way im seeing it

Quote from Bob Smith :No doubt the ESP and TC systems aren't going to exactly match what a team of Volkswagen engineers have spent months tuning either. Within the (current) constraints of LFS though, the devs are aiming to get the car as close to real life as possible.

As above, i believe that they are going to make it special by incorporating all the real stuff in lfs.. and i really hope that the car is something special..
If you're hoping for progressive rate springs, active damping or Volkswagen proprietry stablity control (no doubt considered a trade secret), I strongly suspect you'll be disappointed. Vehicle manufacturers usually only care that the car looks accurate. Obtaining technical data from them is often very difficult, I know from experience it's a lot faster and less hassle to ignore manufacturers and stick to google.
What's the trouble with implementing progressive springs?
Modelling them isn't especially difficult, but setting them up is harder. Do you give users control over just the start and end rates, or do you let them play with the shape of stiffness vs deflection curve as well? If not, how do you decide what shape of curve to hard-code? Then consider that the setup interface would have to be updated to accomodate them, the setup format would need altering to squeeze this extra information in, converting of old setups automatically, potentially having to reset hotlaps again, etc, and that becomes quite a bit of work. Anything can be added into LFS, it's all just a matter of relevant, importance, priorities and time, as to whether it comes in the next patch, or at a later date.

Sit back and enjoy the ride...
(102 posts, started )