The online racing simulator
BMW M3 Challenge + Nordschleife
(62 posts, started )
#51 - JJ72
rfactor's FOV is adjustable.
Been playing this for ages now on and off. Best time so far BTG is about 7:55 and that's being a bit sloppy.

Agree with Michael, the representation of the real track is pretty shoddy but it's still good fun.

I've managed to add other tracks such as Nurburg Village and Lienz Autumn, but it's much easier if you just put the M3 in GTL and download new tracks for that.
I still love this sim. BTW anyone getting TrackIr/Freetrack to work with it?

here my tracklist


Can't the same be done with the Volvo game?
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Can't the same be done with the Volvo game?

Yes but you'd die of old age before making through a single lap in a such a boat.
lol i just got back from a trip to Austria & the ring in a Volvo 940 estate. Good boating was had by all, even if the track was only open for two hours to the public .

Does anyone know which sim has the most accurate version of the Nordschlife (tourist ver)? The GTL version is so far off the mark i got completely lost.
GTR:Evo claims to have the most authentic version... Comparing it to videos (never driven the real thing), I would agree although some things still seem off...
I just found a newer version of the nordshlife for GTL. I extracted it put the folder in the locations folder, when i load the game the track name is there but i cannot load it??

Anyone come across this before?
Which version is it you've got then? Some archives already containing the correct folder structure within and it may have happend that, instead of just putting the track with the actual folder into the location folder, you've created a folder that includes the sub folders again.

so its not:


for instance but


Or, the name of the track folder isn't correct, for whatever reason. Can't think of anything else at the moment. Would be helpful to know the version though.
the directory looks like this: E:\GTL\GameData\Locations\Nordschleife 2006\Nordschleife\tourist

the version is v1 2006 by dutch devil

I've just downloaded the version you've got and the folder structure within the archive is exactly as above.

If that doesn't work then you can also try another version, which I'm using for ages btw.

Good luck.
b..b..bump !

BMW m3 challenge mod tracks (450+)

Nordschleife from that site probably not as good (accurate?) as GTR EVO/Race Steam or AC version, but the car it self is very challenging to drive, with default setup (can't setup) and no assist.

BMW M3 Challenge + Nordschleife
(62 posts, started )