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Is Lady Gaga a man?
(392 posts, started )
Quote from runeman :Uhm dude... You can clearly see that even if that was... She's a female. (Bubble picture)

Do you even know where to look?

LOOL! ... Maybe, he dont know where to search *that*
there was another picture, which probably started the male/female debate which involved some kind of outfit she wore which had a crease in the fabric in an unflattering place, i can't find it anywhere tho.

EDIT, yes i can.

I bet that it was this pic that started this daft rumour in the first place
Quote from danthebangerboy :

Holy damn! ... Well, that made me do some research. But, maybe its just the outfit what wont get the perfect shape for her *beepz*

Edit: Or, maybe the mountain over there ... maybe it should go in the inside?
I don't see what that picture shows. It's a little crease. Not a bulge. I mean, he got his balls chopped off? Not really. It's obviously a woman, and everyone here should stop being so homophobic about the situation.
Quote from wheel4hummer :I don't see what that picture shows. It's a little crease. Not a bulge. I mean, he got his balls chopped off? Not really. It's obviously a woman, and everyone here should stop being so homophobic about the situation.

I agree.. it's just a bunch of really sad people clutching at really short straws..
from the first post i can see no male genitals at all...just a poor understanding of female body as i see.
Quote from danthebangerboy :

I bet that it was this pic that started this daft rumour in the first place

according to that pic he should have extremely small penis and no balls, if she was a man, he wouldn't dress like that, it's just a fabric line, and it is a one picture afterall

ot and beyonce is a 100% of alien from outer space, Invasion has began:

edit: if you see any signs to man there then you must be gay : http://thejamkingshow.files.wo ...
Man? woman?, I still would
#60 - Osco
ass is nice tho...
Quote from danthebangerboy :OY! how DARE you disrespect my lady!?!?!

she aint YOUR lady!
I am! x
i saw a nipple and a cameltoe so 100% woman
Quote from Scrabby :i saw a nipple and a cameltoe so 100% woman

Well, i have a nipple too and im a boy.
i dont care if she is male or female, i think she is horrible lookin but her music is great!
Quote from S3ANPukekoh3 :Looks a bit more like a mooseknuckle to me and most guys do have nipples...

Most guys? Lmao, u mean ... some of them dont have nipples?

I wonder how someone would look like if he had no nipple. Walking around just like robocop
Quote from hazaky :Most guys? Lmao, u mean ... some of them dont have nipples?

I wonder how someone would look like if he had no nipple. Walking around just like robocop

The unnippled one?
some men hava third nipple so that makes up for the nippleless ones lmao
And many teens have nipples in theyr face ... u know what i mean LOL
iv never had nipples in my face lol
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :lol explain me again.. "other side" of the middle finger...??

ok lol. now, you have a left hand in front of you...or maybe ill just explain in finnish.
jos etusormi on pidempi ku nimetön nii sillon pitäs olla nainen. semmone ohjelma ku MANswers testas mite tunnistaa transut
Quote from danthebangerboy :Finally, someone with some sense!

She is 100% a lady. and an extremely hot one at that!

why'd u write in white??
maybe he's ashamed?
or mayb he didnt want me to see it lol,
pity he dont compliment me like that

Is Lady Gaga a man?
(392 posts, started )