#1 - Picho
Could these admin functions be implemented in a local game?
Hi guys, new here and to insim.

I already experimented with some insim code and it works fine as I can see (put some buttons, messages etc).

can I, and maybe a brief note on how, using insim messages:
1. Show a different start screen (maybe tweak, not using insim)
2. Start a local, predefined game
3. Stop the local game

Tahnks for your time and help!
Did u develop a insim for LFS?

Let us see it :clapclap:
#3 - Picho
Quote from hazaky :Did u develop a insim for LFS?

Let us see it :clapclap:

Hi hazaky, thanks for the reply

I am not sure what you mean by "develop a insim for LFS", but this is what I did, while playing around with it (I just downloaded LFS last night and had an hour to try it out)

VS2008 C# console application (using LfsLib.NET) that connects to the simulation session and sends a text message to the local client, and shows a flashing (1 sec interval) message on the screen using a 'button'.

is this an insim?... sorry It is all new to me so even the terminology is still vague...

Quote from Picho :
1. Show a different start screen (maybe tweak, not using insim)

Not possible with InSim. You can do some creative stuff with button layouts, but no pictures. It is possible to change the general UI style, there should be something in misc addons. Obviously any non-InSim based changes are local only.

Quote :
2. Start a local, predefined game

You can set the track & car parameters and force a restart. The one thing you cannot do is force the race to start when it's in the start screen. It requires players to join and click ready.

Quote :
3. Stop the local game

You can send an InSim message to end a race and go back to the start screen.

Quote :is this an insim?... sorry It is all new to me so even the terminology is still vague...

Yes, this is an InSIm. It appears you might already have looked at the docs, but familiarising yourself with insim.txt in lfs\docs is a good way of finding out what InSim can do.
#5 - Picho
Thanks for the reply NotAnIllusion,

Ok, so let's put #1 aside.

as for #2:
assuming the simulation is now in the single-player configuration screen, and al there is left to do is click 'go', what is the proper message I should send to start the race?

as for #3:
I need it to stop, and go back to the single-player screen (as described in #2), not to the start screen. as far as I have seen, I can send keystrokes, but no keyboard shortcut for the single-player mode?

Thanks again
Quote from Picho :
is this an insim?... sorry It is all new to me so even the terminology is still vague...

The terminology is miss-used a lot. InSim is a protocol that allows an external program to create a socket connection with LFS and to send and receive packets of data. A lot of people though, mainly those who don't really understand what InSim is, refer to any program that uses InSim as "an insim".

InSim - A network protocol for communicating with LFS.

Other than that, what Notanillusion said.
#7 - Picho
Thanks guys.

I think I might be complicating things.

Here is the short version:...

I need to create an external administrative process that will interact with the simulation session and control the flow of the races:
1. start a local predefined race
2. stop a race

all this, with no user interaction (with the LFS), and assuming that the only gap I have is with what messages I need to send to accomplish this.

What say you?
Local and MP work in the same way provided the InSim app is connected to the host.

1. You cannot start a race from the start screen (where you can join the race) with InSim, only restart. The only way to get from the start screen to the grid is by real user action, be the host local or remote.

2. You can stop a race by sending the /end command using the appropriate packet (ISP_MSO I think).

@DT: Imo 'an insim' isn't really an incorrect term because it never refers to InSim as a protocol, it's just missing the word 'application' after it