That link what tomba linked ... the picture in the link over that site ... Omfg, thats disgusting :bannana_p Or did i see something wrong? I just went on that link, it was opened for 1sec or 2 ... didnt want to take a "deep" look on it.
If it was meant as joke or not, I don't care, but in matter of fact I want people to write warnings before they put up silly links, no matter if it work or not your veiwing from.
Yeah man, so many 13 year olds right now have a boner, should be ashamed of yourselves posting pics like that!
Lady Gaga - She's ok, from some angles i think pwoah!!! and some other i think meh so id say thats a +1, she is a bit weird though, really didn't like her on Jonathon Ross.
After arguing with myself I un-ignored you. No, I am not touchy, I just saying that tastless pictures are to be either warned about or even better - not posted at all.
Your username has signs that tells me your not _that_ old, I'm right?
Well, 'it' is probably not a man, but you can't be really sure. It's a mystery of life, just like how they make cranberries into a sauce. We'll never ever be sure, and the doubt always will remain. I can't understand people saying that it's good looking, though. Yak.