The online racing simulator
Wheelie setups
(52 posts, started )
hum takes a guess, it's NOT the xrr, it's the tbo with slickmod and mechanik...
Quote from micha1980de :hum takes a guess, it's NOT the xrr, it's the tbo with slickmod and mechanik...

Mechanic....??? what? Is it a program?!
Can we have that set.
Yes share it please, should be fun
Wheelie setups
If you have good wheelie setups, please post these setups to this thread.
#33 - CSU1
#35 - CSU1
Quote from BlackerSnower :I know that thread, but i mean if anybody have good wheelie setups he/she can post these setups to this thread.

Sorry mate thought I was being helpful as I seen you only had one post , disregard
Do we really need two threads for wheelie sets? Just makes them harder to find in the future. Merged.
Oops...forgot all what i say...
Quote from Zonda :2 wheels for XF GTi

i never never managed get on 2 wheels i only managed 3 wheels
i had a set where i could roll over at will. that was funn
always landed right way up aswell
wheelie set up
Please post your wheelie set ups
My 2 wheels xrg sets and a replay. One set is softer, the other one harder. Softer set is easier to lift the wheels up, but more difficult to drive in a straight line, because with softer tyres it is easier to accidentally scratch the tarmac with wheel rims.
Attached files
XR GT_2 wheels.set - 132 B - 1131 views
XR GT_2 wheels 2.set - 132 B - 1026 views
2 wheels xrg.spr - 23.5 KB - 711 views
Just type !wheelie while you are in a race.
I got a wheelie set for the XRT, how to make the wheelie, figure out urself
Attached files
XR GT TURBO_wheelie.set - 132 B - 1250 views
Quote from kosmooo :i have already your setup, but i don't know how to do this. please help me

No one taught me how to do it, so I have no idea how to teach other people

All I can do is to observe what am I doing, and try to explain it. So can you, as there are replays available to watch.

This is how I see it:

I start at around 40-50km/h in 2nd gear. I turn the steering wheel left a bit, aiming for a wide circle (can be right as well, the set is symmetric, but I prefer left). Then I press throttle, start accelerating and tightening the turn. When I feel my rear starts to go sideways, I unwind the wheel a bit to keep the rear from drifting. If you are successful at preventing the rear from drifting, and you still accelerate, you will reach a point at which the grip budget of both outer wheels deplete. Release the throttle. The outer wheels will start to alternate between slipping and regaining grip, while the inner wheels will start bouncing up and down due to all the weight shifting and suspension resonating.

This is the time to use the "rapid steer" technique I described in an earlier post. You have to do it when inner wheels are bouncing as high as possible, but if you wait too long the outer wheels will start bouncing too. It will transition from "slide-bounce" to "just bounce", and when all wheels are bouncing it's just like riding on a wild horse, without control.

The technique, in a nutshell, is: wheels go up, you move the steering full-lock to the other side; wheels go down, you move the steering wheel back to normal.

Here is a movie from one of the replays (sorry for poor quality, I have an old and slow computer at home, and I have no Windows here so it is recorded running on Linux/Wine).

After you lift the wheels up, just steer to keep it upright. Acceleration and braking is tricky, so try without it at first. Train driving XFG on 2 wheels, so when you finally succeed lifting XRG wheels up you don't waste it

This description may be incomplete or inaccurate, so take it with a grain of salt.

Good luck!
(globnss14) DELETED by globnss14
Hi all

Who can send me a wheelie setup for FZR??

pls mail back

The FZR Setups arent working, could someone post some new ones?
Quote from Zonda :2 wheels for XF GTi

how do you put these setups in game? i put them in setup folder but they dont appear in the pit setup

Wheelie setups
(52 posts, started )