The online racing simulator
MPRStat an another LFSStat reading MPR file
Hello racer,

I do a new version of LFSStat reading mpr file. it allow to create a bit of statistical information from a MPR file directly without playing replay.
It's a dev version and i don't know if it will be continued, because MPR file are no documented. ( maybe Scawen do it for me ) It use the templates from LFSSTat and export module ( same code ). You need microsoft .NET for this programm work.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

To download
In the compressed file you can find source of this prog.

Special thank's

Big thanks to MikeB, for the mpr format file. Thread HERE


How to use

This version use also graph.exe of older version for the graph and generate a html and lap by lap file for now.
You'll have to modify MPRStat.cfg to adapt the configuration for your port and admin password.
you can find graph.exe in the old topic :

make a bug report with the mpr if it's possible ( little mpr please ). I have not tested it very much! It's just for a test for now

All prog by Gai-Luron

LFSRelax :
LFSLapper :
LFSStat :

wohoo, i give it a try
Hi Gai-Luron, this is a great idea and I truly hope you continue to develop it to match LFSSTAT as it will save a lot of time for us admins .

So I have done some testing today and have found the following:
- All files of MPRSTAT program need to be located in the LFS/data/mpr folder for MPRSTAT to work. If MPRSTAT files located anywhere else then it does not work and produces an error (can not find files).
I would like it if MPRSTAT can be located in a seperate folder anywhere?
- Have to shutdown & restart MPRSTAT each time or no stats generated. You can't just select another replay after running stats on a previous replay.
- A qual replay generated a race result MPRSTATS
- Race stats are inaccurate when compared to stats generated using LFSSTAT program.
- The start order is incorrect when generating MPRSTAT on a race replay.
- I noticed there is no pitstop, yellow or blue flag tables, is this a limitation of MPRSTAT?
Hi Gai-Luron
First, excuse my english, it's very poor .

I have detected that now *.mpr may be at the same directory that mprstats.exe It works fine, but when we run graph.exe, it coudn't create the .png files of graphs. Directory ..\graph is created, but no files are created in it.

It's possible too that files created by mprstats.exe leave same file name as original *.mpr ???.

Thanks for all, create statistics is really fast now !!!.

EDIT: That's the error that appear when .mpr is not at the same directory than mprstats.exe
Attached images

Thank's for the reply. In fact MPRStat is a test version and i don't know if i continue to dev it because i don't have the MPR format and it's so difficult to guess how the data are in it.

- Shutdown is a know problem, i have fixed it
- For the directory, i take a look, for now i only test in same directory with mprstat.
- Graph work only if tsv file is present
- Chat now work, i release it tonight

Quote :Race stats are inaccurate when compared to stats generated using LFSSTAT program.

What'is the PB?

Quote :I noticed there is no pitstop, yellow or blue flag tables, is this a limitation of MPRSTAT?

For now, yes


Great initiative with this, Gai-Luron. I really hope you can continue to develop it.

New version : 0.03 ( first is 0.1, i make mistake )

This version don't work on qualification and don't work if change player on race. maybe in future version.

Quote :
0.1 --> 0.0.3

Work only with Race file

1. Fix wrong directory
2. Add tsv file for graph
3. Add Chat file
4. Now work on multiple replays

CSV file comming soon

#9 - BriZz
I can't download the file.. Is there any problem with the hosting?

Cheers. Great job
Also if You get it it will not work
Attached files - 451.7 KB - 457 views
Quote from lysergic :Also if You get it it will not work

Thanks.. it works for me.. just put the mpr in the same folder (\bin\). Then.. copy the results3.css to 'resultsrace' dir.

It doesn't generate the graphs, but it's not a big problem.

I cannot make it work. Where do you extract the Mpr bin directory? Other details? O.S.?
Quote from lysergic :I cannot make it work. Where do you extract the Mpr bin directory? Other details? O.S.?

extract? I just copy the mpr file from LFS\data\mpr\ dir to MPRStats\bin\

By the way.. I just download again the graph.exe. How can I generate the .tsv files with MPRStats?

my error trying to extract stats from mpr file
Attached images
Quote from lysergic :

Try to extract MPRStats in a folder without space "Program Files". For example C:\MPRStats
Quote from BriZz :Try to extract MPRStats in a folder without space "Program Files". For example C:\MPRStats

Done, but same result

Use LFSStat, because now with quick forward, you can do Stat more quickly.

Can ADMIN close this thread. I stop the Dev of this application?

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Use LFSStat, because now with quick forward, you can do Stat more quickly.

Can ADMIN close this thread. I stop the Dev of this application?


What do You mean with "quick forward"? I usually run the replay for stats at speed of 4x (the max value without crashes or errors in stats).

May I use a quicker way?
Use the slider at botton of replay screen and go to the end. It LFSSTat crash, do minor step forward
