ive just done some exams and after id finished them i made a doodle of a car and i thought it looked rather good and i would like to know if there is a program i could use to make it on my pc ive tried ps cs4 using the magnetic lasso tool to sketch the outline but if i got a message id have to start again and i dont really like ps that much and is there any other programs i could use to sketch the side view of the car not 3d view i just want a side view and i dont have a tablet to use.
ive just done some exams and after id finished them i made a doodle of a car and i thought it looked rather good and i would like to know if there is a program i could use to make it on my pc ive tried ps cs4 using the magnetic lasso tool to sketch the outline but if i got a message id have to start again and i dont really like ps that much and is there any other programs i could use to sketch the side view of the car not 3d view i just want a side view and i dont have a tablet to use.