The online racing simulator
Shadow improvements welcome

Please could we have soon a shadows under all cars avaible and not limiting it only to 8 cars at one moment.
I am not saying its really a must feature but the 3D graphics in all games moving really forward also including the shadows for all 3d objects so such a small improvement woudl be welcome.

Also darker shadows under car tyres and additional shadow under a car so the car will not looks sometimes like "flying" a bit.

Many thanks.
I think the Volumetric shadows will be implemented to the game engine sooner or later altogether with other graphical improvements. Car shadows are quite ok but the shadows on the track are pathetic.
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Please could we have soon a shadows under all cars avaible and not limiting it only to 8 cars at one moment.
I am not saying its really a must feature but the 3D graphics in all games moving really forward also including the shadows for all 3d objects so such a small improvement woudl be welcome.

Also darker shadows under car tyres and additional shadow under a car so the car will not looks sometimes like "flying" a bit.

I reported this "bug" some time ago, looks odd
And in some cases, there isnt shadow under formula wheels even if only one car on picture.