What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Country: United Kingdom of England
Preferred Car/Track: I'm ok with most combos, although i'm not amazing at S-S (except BF1)
Average Laptime on Car/Track: About 1.7 seconds from WR to start(combo dependant), and I can usually whittle the time down to around 0.8 seconds from the WR.
How Active Are You? Almost every day.
What Kind of Control do you use? G25
Time Zone: GMT+1 now, GMT once summer is over (as most Brits will know)
I have experiences with leagues, in both driving in them, organising them and broadcasting them. I have raced (and in some cases still racing) in the iTCC, oneGP Test Race 2009, DoP Endurance Series, Xcite Endurance Race (in which I did 4.5 hours on the trot) and the Open Wheel Trophy.
I have also ran, helped broadcast and commentated on the fairly successful series, The IMA TBO Challenge. I also have been given the oppertunity to commentate on the NDR Summer Event

(Thanks Jack

I feel that, as a driver, I am still improving well, and would hope I could continue this improvment into the future. I always try and be the cleanest driver I can be, and, although i'm not the fastest, I am a very sportsman like driver.
If I was to join any team, I would ask if I could continue to admin and commentate on the TBO-C, as I am enjoying the project very much.
Sorry for the acres of text to read through
Thanks alot