The online racing simulator
TEST Patch T3 - OPTIONAL - Small Update 1MB
(75 posts, closed, started )
there is at least on t3 demo server running and also some T4 servers (all from
#52 - SamH
Quote from three_jump :there is at least on t3 demo server running and also some T4 servers (all from

There can't be any T3s, because all the servers are instances of the same T4 executable. The only difference between each one is the particular configuration file it is told to use
Where the heck is T4!?
Quote from BWX232 :Where the heck is T4!?

I was thinking the exact same thing!!
#55 - SamH
First post, last edit

An awesome job, anyway you look at it. I'm really enjoying the improvements

I just looked at the manual - a great job as well
Not sure if this is a bug or not:

Since the S or T patch I've noticed that when I spectate (and only when I spectate) others, I often hear the gear change twice - at first I thought it was caused by poor internet connection, but I've now seen (heard) this happening several times but never experienced it prior to the S/T patch.

Not really a biggie, but annoying when spectating.
Why do the cars (every car) consumes much less fuel now than before patch?
#59 - SamH
Quote from csimpok :Why do the cars (every car) consumes much less fuel now than before patch?

Hey.. we're living in an increasingly ecologically-aware society! It HAD to happen!
Quote from csimpok :Why do the cars (every car) consumes much less fuel now than before patch?

Actually it was the government imposing stricter gas mileage laws.. those bastages.
Hahah that penalty thing isn't gonna be good for the pit drifters =x (But nobody likes them anyway)

Great idea Scawen keep em comin
I put this in another thread too, but I crashed (crash to restart)while hotlapping at West Internat. lap 3 in the FOX.

no overclocking and i have 4 fans,
is there any way you could put changeable dahboardcolour for the bf1 and fo8 in one of the future compatible patches ?
Quote from GP4Flo :To the graphic problem: It happens after some time when switching between windowed and full screen several times (e.g. for screenshots).

I have a similar problem that has always been there in LFS, but somehow got less a problem in the last year or so. When switching to windowed mode and resizing the window, it often stays black and I have to exit the game by clicking the "x". Other people have the same issue, so its not just me. I have no idea if it could be related to a driver or if its only present when using nvidia cards, but sadly I dont have the time to do some tests for the entire week, including the weekend...
maybe later

What was the "reinitialize graphics" key combo again?
T4 dedi works pretty well. Good job.
While youre working on the dedi server Scawen, here's my wishlist for some new and desperately needed features:
1. ping limiter: check players ping first if its below a specified value, if not dont let him in. Desperately needed since lfs is p2p and there are so many players out there downloading stuff while playing and lagging up the whole server.
2. motd: player see a full screen message when entering the server wich can be set by admins.
3. possibility to address clients using a clientnumber rather than using account/nickname, i.e. /pitlane 7
4. a better readable lagometer where its easier to determine who is using emule ;-) And if its just a little player number below each bar

I have loads more suggestions for the server side of things but if at least the mentioned ones would be addressed it would make things much much easier.
Keep up the good work!
Quote from Scawen :Been thinking a bit, and it seems fairly simple and safe to do a change. How does this sound?

- Load at startup (funny thing is this one might not be needed)
- Load on entering bans screen (in non-dedi version)
- Load before any "check if connecting user is banned"
- Load before adding or removing a ban
- Save after any change (ban / unban / time change)
- Don't save on exit LFS

It seems to me that would cover all situations. Any ban on any of your hosts would automatically take effect in your other hosts which share the same folder. You could also use an external ban editor successfully if required.

this is greate...
so my BAN-Editor makes more sense
and I don't have to restart the server after sending the new file with
LFS:RemoteControl NG

thx scawen!
I'm sad LFS throws me an "Unknown Command" when i try to unlock it. Not sure if this has already been answered.
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :I'm sad LFS throws me an "Unknown Command" when i try to unlock it. Not sure if this has already been answered.

Sorry. I forgot to update the master server for the new patch. Now it will work.
All good Scawen. Thank for the ban update. There's now a real opportunity to have some decent coordination between servers so we can weed out the wreckers.

I still got the problem I mentioned over here:

and as I know from the German 4players forum I am not the only one. (there are one or two other guys)
What other information beside the deb.log can I provide in order to help you analyse this issue?

Install Ethereal and WinCap and capture the network stream from LFS client and server. There's a good chance it will reveal the source of the problem, if its a IP or LFS protocol issue.
Something happened when playing on my server with a friend. After quali ended, my screen just froze (I was watching my friend). I could still hear his sounds and his messages were arriving (I heard the sound) but the screen was frozen. I also wrote him 2 messages. Then I proceeded to press esc and the lower left corner, testing if the game would un-freeze but it didn't and I got stuck on a black screen from which the only way out was to hard-boot the computer (4th time I've ever had to do ever with this machine during over 2 years).

The music (I was playing with Vic's game music ) also froze into a 1-second-long loop when the screen froze, that could be a reason for the crash...
I found this error in the event viewer:
Quote :Faulting application lfs.exe, version, faulting module lfs.exe, version, fault address 0x0010ae3c.

I also attach my friend's replay, although I don't know if you can see anything from that... My computer wasn't recording the replay as I saved it earlier after a spin The crash happens a couple of seconds before I write "mitä norjaa" near the end.

I was using (as the server) patch T3 and my friend T2.
Attached files
temp_mpr.mpr - 487.8 KB - 281 views

I can't really explain that. And because it's not a crash, there's no crash address and no way to investigate it. Let me know if it happens again / or if there's any way to reproduce it.
Quote from Scarap :@Scawen

I still got the problem I mentioned over here:

and as I know from the German 4players forum I am not the only one. (there are one or two other guys)
What other information beside the deb.log can I provide in order to help you analyse this issue?


I don't know, it sounds like an internet connection problem. After every patch, there are some people saying that the new patch doesn't allow them to stay connected. But it's usually just a coincidence, that a few people's ISP has some issues, at the time the patch came out.
This thread is closed