Ok, so for the last ohh, idk.. couple of weeks, I've been making a point of going into my local Sainsburys (it's a fairly big one) every morning before work to grab a bottle of coke and some chewing gum.
And there tends to be the same 4 or 5 people you see, I used to work there so I know a few of them, but a couple I don't as they're new. It tends to be middle aged/older people, although there's one "younger" one, who's about 40.
Either way, every morning for the last 2 weeks I've gone in and seen these same 4 or 5 people (apart from the 40 year old one who's always happy and smiley:really
just be really SLOW and MISERABLE and MAKING ME ANGRY.
I leave for work at 8.00 and commute 5 miles. I arrive at Sainsburys at about 8.10-8.15... I'm SUPPOSED to start at 8:30...
Then I spend 10 minutes waiting for these DREARY ****ING BORING PEOPLE to hurry up and SCAN THE BLOODY ITEMS.
Nearly EVERYONE there is buying things for lunch at this time, you can see. Newspapers, Sandwiches, drinks, salad bowls, etc.
The normal thing you'd expect people to do is to be swift.
I'm not saying rush like a mad chicken, just at least look like you're making half an effort. And not holding up the entire cue because you're scanning items at a rate of 6 per minute.
Let me remind you I know that they aim for 17-22 items per minute. I KNOW I USED TO WORK THERE.....
Bear in mind this is for peak hours, where you're supposed to talk with the customer. When you're just pushing people through at 8 in the morning there's no excuse to be slow!! Sitting there looking like a kid who's had his candy taking away from him is not an excuse!!!...
What I don't need is some fatty to sit there in a chair, leant back, half heartedly moving 4 small snack sized items across the scanners in the time it takes for me to paint my room. AND THEN to top it ALL off, the guy pays cash, hands over a £10 note. THE IDIOT BEHIND THE COUNTER JUST TAKES A WHOLE HOUR TO PUT THE DAMN NOTE AWAY AND GIVE HIM £2.72 IN CHANGE!!
AND THEN if I'm at the Ciggy till, (WHERE I BUY GUM NOT FAGS...), this stupid old lady waddles across to do the lottery for some guy, and takes 3498374983 HOURS PRESSING 5 BUTTONS! Then takes a further 18 weeks getting 3 scratch cards from the ****ING PLASTIC THING IN FRONT OF HER ****ING FACE.
Bear in mind this happens every morning and I'm nearly always 5 minutes late into work because of it. They don't mind cause there's nothing every happening till 9am anyway
Pissed me off and I felt like ranting about it.
*awaits comments of tough and poor you stfu noob*
And there tends to be the same 4 or 5 people you see, I used to work there so I know a few of them, but a couple I don't as they're new. It tends to be middle aged/older people, although there's one "younger" one, who's about 40.
Either way, every morning for the last 2 weeks I've gone in and seen these same 4 or 5 people (apart from the 40 year old one who's always happy and smiley:really

I leave for work at 8.00 and commute 5 miles. I arrive at Sainsburys at about 8.10-8.15... I'm SUPPOSED to start at 8:30...
Then I spend 10 minutes waiting for these DREARY ****ING BORING PEOPLE to hurry up and SCAN THE BLOODY ITEMS.
Nearly EVERYONE there is buying things for lunch at this time, you can see. Newspapers, Sandwiches, drinks, salad bowls, etc.
The normal thing you'd expect people to do is to be swift.
I'm not saying rush like a mad chicken, just at least look like you're making half an effort. And not holding up the entire cue because you're scanning items at a rate of 6 per minute.
Let me remind you I know that they aim for 17-22 items per minute. I KNOW I USED TO WORK THERE.....
Bear in mind this is for peak hours, where you're supposed to talk with the customer. When you're just pushing people through at 8 in the morning there's no excuse to be slow!! Sitting there looking like a kid who's had his candy taking away from him is not an excuse!!!...
What I don't need is some fatty to sit there in a chair, leant back, half heartedly moving 4 small snack sized items across the scanners in the time it takes for me to paint my room. AND THEN to top it ALL off, the guy pays cash, hands over a £10 note. THE IDIOT BEHIND THE COUNTER JUST TAKES A WHOLE HOUR TO PUT THE DAMN NOTE AWAY AND GIVE HIM £2.72 IN CHANGE!!
AND THEN if I'm at the Ciggy till, (WHERE I BUY GUM NOT FAGS...), this stupid old lady waddles across to do the lottery for some guy, and takes 3498374983 HOURS PRESSING 5 BUTTONS! Then takes a further 18 weeks getting 3 scratch cards from the ****ING PLASTIC THING IN FRONT OF HER ****ING FACE.
Bear in mind this happens every morning and I'm nearly always 5 minutes late into work because of it. They don't mind cause there's nothing every happening till 9am anyway
Pissed me off and I felt like ranting about it.
*awaits comments of tough and poor you stfu noob*