#1 - Crady
Payed highres skins... How does it work?

I just filled my lfsworld credits to get highres skins.

But how does it work? Are highres skins now downloaded automatically, or do I have to change something in my LFS settings?

What should I do with all the lowres skins in the skin-x folder? Do they become overwritten by highres skins automatically now, or should I delete all the lowres skins in the skin-x folder?

#2 - Bean0
You need to change the ingame options to download hi-res skins (512x512 for helmets, 1024x1024 for car skins).

The hi-res ones go into Skins_Y as far as I can remember, and LFS looks here first so any you have in low-res will be re downloaded.

I've never used them myself, but I'm pretty sure that is how it works.
Quote from Bean0 :You need to change the ingame options to download hi-res skins (512x512 for helmets, 1024x1024 for car skins).

The hi-res ones go into Skins_Y as far as I can remember, and LFS looks here first so any you have in low-res will be re downloaded.

I've never used them myself, but I'm pretty sure that is how it works.

Attached images
#4 - Crady
Nice, thank you

Will test it this evening...
Leave helmets in 256, as you never see them
Indeed, you will only see the helmet skins when you drive the open wheelers. So unless you drive the open wheelers alot and like to watch to the helmet its a waste of money in my opinion.
#7 - VoiD
Well I use lookarrounds very often when going sidebyside. The last thing I want is looking at a crappy helmet in a high-res-car. That goes for roadcars too.
Helmets don´t change very often, downloaded ~1000 helmets and ~3500 skins since patch Z3.
Replays look way better with a high-res-helmet, but it´s all about personal tastes and (dis)likes...

Edit: You guys are spending hundreds or thousands €$£ for a decent PC+wheel and your talking about wasting money for highres-helmets..? That made my laugh, where´s the logic..?
#8 - Crady
Well there comes up another question:

What preferece do the folder skins and skins_dds have? I mean if I downloaded a skin in 512x512 somewhere and now a guy is racing THIS skin in 1024x1024... Which skin is loaded?

Should I delete all Skins in these folders which are having 512x512 and I do not use for myself?
Whether LFS looks in skins or skins_dds depends on whether you have textures set to 'full' or 'compressed' afaik.
Full = jpeg = skins/
Compressed = dds = skins_dds/

(yes I know jpeg is a compressed format, but it's uncompressed when stored in graphics memory. dds is a format with optional compression which graphics cards can read natively, therefore using less graphics memory)
Quote from VoiD :You guys are spending hundreds or thousands €$£ for a decent PC+wheel and your talking about wasting money for highres-helmets..? That made my laugh, where´s the logic..?

So you think anyone who updates there pc with good hardware just want to use it just for lfs :rolleyes:

EDIT: hmmm crysis or lfs, crysis or lfs, crysis or lfs, guess i'll go with crysis on this one
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#11 - VoiD
Oh come on, Crysis......, anothers hundreds bucks left for hardware-eyecandy with no software-content.
Quote from rc10racer :So you think anyone who updates there pc with good hardware just want to use it just for lfs :rolleyes:

EDIT: hmmm crysis or lfs, crysis or lfs, crysis or lfs, guess i'll go with crysis on this one

You know, if you threw some HDR and bloom in LFS, it would look close... lol

BTW I've played through Crysis and Warhead.