A problem regarding solid/rotating brakedisc I have in patch Z10.
I dont see that ingame.
So I took the DiscATEST (the pre patchZ disc)
and did some random drawing on it in photoshop.
And yes... My LFS seems to still use the DiscATEST and not the new ones.
EDIT: LOL epic fail... Maybe I should tell my Logitech Profiler to open Z10
and not Z version.
Im not expecting him to tell us what he is doing... But since we don't hear anything from the devs for a while now, it would be nice of them to keep us posted
I say about unlock LFS on second PC, on other place, friend PC, work PC, etc... When I unlock LFS, and then, lock, after play, watch race, or administrate my server, I must manual clear mu data (username and game password). Sometimes you forget to do in a rush...