then ..... .....links from your quote or replace them with short description of image or something that will give idea what image you wanna comment just don't quote the whole posts with images
Enable then... It's quite annoying scrolling down and watching these pics again
Some faggot posted virus which sends Steam/AIM/MSN/etc passwords to his FTP on myg.0t-related site, now his FTP server is having a good time... (look at scroll bar!)
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This all happened over MSN a few weeks back, over about 2 hours or so from start to finish.

I havent got the actual saved txt file anymore, just this copy of when i posted it on another forum (JPF).

All swearing censored plus email addresses hidden and or removed apart from mine, as its on my LFS profile anyway.

This is what happens when you get drunk and cba to walk to the bathroom.

Funniest thing i have seen/been a part of for ages.

He luckily got away with a warning in the end, after being told off by 2 police officers for over an hour.

Don't do it kids!
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LOL i read it all.. EPIC FAIL/WIN
Oops, i missed one swear. Oh well, im sure it'll be ok.
Did he really get nicked? and wtf letting him type it on MSN LOL
LOL, they couldn't actually nick him for anything though could they? Private property.
Nah, after he pleaded with them a little bit (his wife would have killed him lol) they just gave him a very stearn telling off and a warning not to do it again, plus he had to wash and dry the gentlemens clothes as well.
Private property...
Exactly my thoughts. Run into the house and wait for them to return with a warrant for pissing on them lol. Plus, the cops were trespassing, right?
That was the funniest part though, they were talking about having him for drunk and disorderly/public order offence, but he never actually left his house!
blasphemy is my favorite
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Cord = Snap(ed).jpg

Need sound
^^ that was fast
And another!

rofl! I was wondering how long it would take for the gifs to show up. I am so glad that I have not been disappointed haha!
You wanted GIFs?

Not a GIF, still funny. And real!
I keep watching the gif of Ballack having a go at the ref. It just gets funnier and funnier!
I nearly fell off the couch watching it live He looked geniunely scared for his life, i would be too
This thread is closed

The inevitable picture thread II: Return of the funnies
(5404 posts, closed, started )