I don't own paint net but from what I hear GIMP its much better.
And as a GIMP user I suggest you to download it a lot of plugins make it compatible with DDS PSD and even AI so its great program.
I know that photoshop have great possibilities but i can tell you that I have photoshop CS3 and still prefer GIMP for my needs its still an overkill
I voted for "Maybe", but since it's 7th May today, the last sign up day, I'm saying "I'm in." But didn't really decide yet, I only want to have the chance, if I will get in skin-making mood.
Can you manage to make the nice motive in front to strech from front to back? And instead of light blue, can you experiment with colors like white, red, yellow or anything else? The light blue thingy looks a little strange. Other than that, I like it
Honestly TVE you give me one hell of a time since I could do a skin the way i feel like but to actually make it black, red, yellow and same time communicate to opponents that racing with you leave a mark.
Honestly dude don't know how to do this its not really my style, but anyway I will try.
So Girl taken from pr0n site katana from shops with swords,
Skin still in production so there is suppose to be more stuff.
BTW. Did you know that 88 have some extra meaning probably not kind you would like to communicate to your opponents
Unless its your way to smuggle in game some stuff
I like the skin, it's a cool background theme. Maybe try black/dark orrange as background and experiement a little? But looks nice. Imo if you are going for manga I think Bleach is the manga to take materials from. (this is geek, either way, from the "lust" chapters in bleach manga) , there you got some more info
Dude with the colour theme you chose its easer to commit seppuku than skin
Unfortunately i didn't read manga but if I go for manga i think there is a lot of themes to chose from.
Some hentai babes look cool on cars
Anyway i have to end this skin before i take next .
But dude orange.
Aaa I get it now you wann your oponents to get epilepsy atac from watching your skin so they actually fall from their chairs and get a mark.
Wow pretty litteraly "leave a mark" you sure know what you want.
So basically whatever I add to the skin(Girl with katana) makes skin messy and just spoil the whole effect so i leave this skin as it is, or at least put it aside for a while.
Now time for another skin which is still in making.
When I started to make this skin I was a a little bit excited but now somehow i just doesn't see anything special in it so I my abandon this project or change it completely....or maybe a little
Your suggestion welcome, just don't mention for a while this crazy colorschemes of yours.
I like the marks on the front and side of the car, but additionally, is it possible to play some with making a vinyl out of the colors aswell? You can try with the colors you have no, and either add new ones or just work with what's allready on it. Maybe a theme that starts in the front, and streeches to the back of the car somehow?
Hmm, I have no idea, just normal sponsors, maybe ones from Nascar and such. Maybe try to make an nascar scin or something? Will need to be pretty detailed then, aswell look somewhat real without beeing a copy of a real life one.
Yes, I do make it hard for you
When that is said, 30 people signed up, and I think I have 2-3 people that have showed their WIP, are there more people out there with WIP shots?
im not really sure what the problem is. yesterday the comp made horrible noise and didnt let use and only whined something about hard drive. than today this works well lol. im not joining cos it might be that this will completely brake down soon