The online racing simulator
Black Screen problem [fixed - drivers]
Hello people!

I readed the others posts that talk about black screen and i could not find the answear fot my problem.

I just buyed a license for the S2 version, and donwloaded the game.

Unziped to a folder on C:\test directory and runed the lfs.exe file.

And all i got was a black screen. I waited around 2 minutes, and i still got the black screen.

I have a 8500gt video card and a e6750 processor.

What should I do???

is it the first time you opened lfs?

if i remeber correctly.. first time game starts it has to convert all the skins to dds which leaves screen black whiel down in bottom left you see a counter of how many skins have to be done.

dont know if this is what your experiencing at the moment?
Yes, it's the first time that i'm opening the game.

Hmmm, i didn't know that. Let me check here. But i don't saw any counter on my screen.

But i will check.

so, i'm around 5 minutes waiting for it. But all i have is the black screen =\.

I downloaded the game from website. So, it's the latest version right?

Is some other patch available, that i can install and test? Maybe making a downgrade of versions?

Post your deb.log file here, please.

And open cfg.txt, erase everything, type in "Windowed Mode 1" and save it, then restart LFS.
Ok, i just attached the file.

I tryed to set windowed option to 1 and erase the cfg file, but it didnt work also. =\

Attached files
deb.txt - 814 B - 208 views
Is it working now? It shows that ur online in a server - below ur name in the left.
Well, it's working now.

It was a driver problem a guess. I made a nvidia driver rollback and the game starts working.

I have a gf8500gt, with a e6750 processor.

I was using the 182.50 driver of Nvidia. So, i downgraded my driver to the 178.24 version and everything worked fine.

Thanks for the help!
You may also try 185.
It seems like these 182.50 drivers may be faulty. I've been having problems with them too, along with my dad who also was getting problems with them. So i rolled mine back to the ones that was on the CD that came with my card, and all is fine.