I've been away from LFS for quite a while, but saw this Matrox announcement about the TripleHeadToGo2 and thought of LFS

I have a Parhelia that I used to use a lot for LFS racing with 3 17inch Hitachi 16ms LCD panels, and for LFS it was one of the best ways of improving the realism imho. Once you have tried 3 screens you won't want to go back!
However the Parhelia is showing its age now, (it never really was a contender in the power / fps stakes anyway). The problem I was having is that I would really miss the 3 screen setup, so this new offering from MAtrox finally gives me an upgrade path while keeping access to the 3 screens.
To echo others comments though, don't expect the prices to head south anytime soon. Matrox seem to have little understanding of pricing for the home / gaming user. I think the Parhelia's are still hideously expensive given how outdated they are now.
On the VGA / analogue output quality, I think this is one are where Matrox historically seem to do very well. Sure its not as good as DVI, but I suspect you won't be able to tell the difference on moving images. The current Parhelia uses a VGA cable splitter for left and right monitors from a single DVI socket and the quality is as good as the DVI only centre screen.
The other nice thing about this solution is you are free to choose from other manufacturers graphics cards. A huge bugbear for me has been the almost complete lack of driver development on the Parhelia. Updates took forever to come out and there was no Matrox developed driver support under Linux.
According to the Guru3D review the NVidia cards are the way to go at the mo as ATi cards don't seem to work well with the Matrox offering, and ATi don't seem interested in offering any help anytime soon to fix it by the sounds of things.
You need a beefy card to get good framerates though (7800 or better) seemingly.
For what its worth I think its a smart move by Matrox. This has a much wider market than their cards, and I suspect involves less development costs than trying to bring out a card to compete with the like of ATi / NVidia.
Interesting to hear what LFS-ers think of it.