GTAL Race-Tracker
Hi Guys,

you can find the official GTAL Tracker at follow address:

NOTE: The "Trojan Horse" much Virus Scanners detected is a FALSE ALERT. This is a browser based filter list for LFSWorld names written in Java if you have special characters (Like @, _, ; , äöü , and so on) in it.

but your remote has gone :-(
#3 - Arm0
It works fine, for me!
#4 - Dmt
Attached images
No Problem for me.

Should be fixed now...
Tracker shows luki97 instead of me
(Lublin racing team)
#7 - GabbO
Works fine for me.

Look at this picture. Tracker shows Luki97 instead of me. I drove 66,4% of the race not him. Luki97 did not participate in the race.
Quote from SasekPL :

Look at this picture. Tracker shows Luki97 instead of me. I drove 66,4% of the race not him. Luki97 did not participate in the race.

sorry for this, was in a hurry and mostly edited existing entrys and maybe i copy/pasted it wrong but it counted correctly, so no worry about
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :sorry for this, was in a hurry and mostly edited existing entrys and maybe i copy/pasted it wrong but it counted correctly, so no worry about

I'm not angry. Just showed an error
will we have streaming for Round 3?
is this where we will be watching the live standings? during the race?
#14 - Dmt
but we don't have streaming?
no commented transmission or something?!
Quote from buck77 :but we don't have streaming?
no commented transmission or something?!

No. Broadcast will be only on last race
do this thing will work during qualify?
it would not make any sense..
When using SHIFT P or getting disconnect, the Team doesnt get -1 Lap or so.
Again the same error in tracker. In Lublin Racing Team tracker displays luki97 instead of me.
yea, and CAPO was showing always in 10th position, but they were somwhere in botom
Quote from oldnavy :yea, and CAPO was showing always in 10th position, but they were somwhere in botom

I have them at 16th
Quote from SasekPL :Again the same error in tracker. In Lublin Racing Team tracker displays luki97 instead of me.

If that's the only problem, i think you can live with it.. I don't know why this happens to you all the time.

And about CAPO: they are 16th in the tracker
it happend to clockwork motorsports aswell saying ginho was driving when he wasnt