The online racing simulator
#1 - JeffR
Top ten --- general lfs ramblings and bad humour
OK, it's been a long time now, and I don't think it's directly related to the VWS car, but some significant change to the internals to make the physics better, and perhaps the math that goes along with these changes is requiring more parameters per car be created and all of this is taking quite a while.

Still there are more "interesting" reasons for the long delays, not enough for a top ten reasons why progress is slow but in no specific order, so please add to the list.

The development team is still going through recovery from stds they picked up while on vacation at Rio.

The development team is still trying to purge the internet of any videos taken of them during their vacation at Rio.

The development is still working on visual customizations for their Honda Civic in NFS Underground 2. The sticking points seem to be what large decals to use, the vinyl colors, and what speakers to use in the trunk.

The development team is still trying to remove the stains on the seats (don't ask) in their loaner VW Scirocco before returning it.

The development team has been covertly doing consultant work for the NFS Shift team.
We have way too many threads about the speed of LFS development, we don't need any more, thanks. And there is no recovery from STDs, so I don't find your post funny at all, now "take yourself outside".
This thread would be better if the "reasons" in the first post were actually funny. :/
There is no speculation really is there, a new test patch came out only a few days ago.

There could have been many many changes made, but LFS looks and behaves exactly the same, giving the illusion that nothing has been changed at all.

However, certian parts behind the scenes could have for instance been totally reworked or modified to make way for something else and these things need testing, a lot, to make sure there are no major incompatibilities with certian other hardware/software, and if there are, then another test patch comes along to solve it.

Look in the test patch forum and Bang! there's your proof, that LFS is being worked on.

Oh yeah, and may i be the first to say, In Before The Lock!
#5 - 5haz
Christ, don't you lot ever get tired of going round in circles? All that can be said, has been said.
#6 - JeffR
Quote from zeugnimod :This thread would be better if the "reasons" in the first post were actually funny.

Hey I tried. Thought a lighter side to this to balance the negative threads might help.

Quote from 5haz :Don't you lot ever get tired of going round in circles?

I don't drive the ovals, so I wouldn't know.
So we're down to devs & STDs. Wtf next I wonder.
Lets beg the mods,to create a filter for words like LFS, devs,and scirocco,so there wont be an other thread made
lfs development speed sucks. it's like modem 56k.
I changed the title to something more what I intended. Need more "reaons" for being so busy.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :So we're down to devs & STDs. Wtf next I wonder.

TBOs or LRFs?

By the way, JeffR, that was a failed attempt at being funny. It's a good idea to lighten the mood a bit though.
Quote from hrtburnout :TBOs or LRFs?

By the way, JeffR, that was a failed attempt at being funny. It's a good idea to lighten the mood a bit though.

Yeah - it turned out quite funny with many jumping him again (out of habit?) when he just tried to be funny for once...
Quote from ponczak :lfs development speed sucks. it's like modem 50k.


1. You try coding, modelling and texturing a 3d simulator with some of the best physics around.

2. Its 56k.

3. Pull your finger out.
I know this is supposed to be funny, like a top ten list in an American TV-show. But i don't think it will be appreciated.
To complete the kit, you need
  • Mohammed Al Fayed
  • David Icke
  • Elvis Presley
  • Prince Phillip
  • Barack Obama's birth certificate
  • A white FIAT Uno
  • The illuminati
  • Princess Diana
  • David Shaylor
  • A studio to film a moon landing in.
to be honest with all these negative threads that have appeared over the past few months, i wouldnt be surprised if the developers had lost some motivation due to the ignorant/impatient people on this forum.
From my point of view vw was "ready" to released, so it means it was finished. They discovered a bug or what ever, that is not a problem for me. What I dont understand is why is it taking them so long to fix it? You do not notice errors just before the release that takes 6 months to fix.

My verdict is that dev got where the light does not reach (read: in the ass)
Quote from dollarek :My verdict is that dev got where the light does not reach (read: in the ass)

Dev got in the ass?

What's that supposed to mean?
I think it's an attempt at calling the devs lazy, at least i think thats what he means anyway.
it is kinda translated from polish so it may not make any sense in english.

What it meant to mean is that they do not give ****
You seriously believe that the devs do nothing?? :bananadea
There are some perfectly sensible reasons why there has not been much new content recently.

1. As Scawen has said, he has been busy moving into his new house
2. You would have to be completely stupid to think that the new additions in Z13 are all the devs have done since Christmas. (Even if they haven't done much more, they must have something extra)
3. If you start work on a complicated project, you cannot release it half done. So the devs may well have spent the last few months working on something like break off body parts, but they can only release a few minor fixes if the above is not yet finished.

Use your brains, if you have them.
Quote from dollarek :

My verdict is that dev got where the light does not reach (read: in the ass)

the sun shines out of their arses? i think that is what you're trying to say.