The online racing simulator
Its just an Ad in the bottom right, which has 'fail' next to it. :P

Edit: Didn't see this page xD

I'd call this one WIN :
Since everyone is posting these fail pictures:

^These pics are priceless!^
Lol those last two are good..
A really long picture :D
:ices_rofl. It reminds me of this.
loool What the.... :ices_rofl
Just..why lol..

(found that one hilarious personally!)

Sorry if any of them have been posted before.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :(found that one hilarious personally!)

Why Brazilian? They look more like korean IMO.
Bikini waxing or pubic depilation is the depilation of body hair in and around the pubic area. Originally meant to prevent pubic hair from being visible around the edges of a bikini swimsuit, it now often includes areas covered by bikinis.[1] <--from wiki

Now please take a closer look to a second girl from the right just don't look in here eyes but a little bit lower and by lower i mean not bikini but Loooower
There is a cliffhanger
That's just nasty.
Even if I know it's natural, she should very well know that if she intended to use that kind of bikini, she should have thought twice of having that jungle.
Actually if you ever watched Japanese or Korean movies 4 adult you could notice that they are kinda "surprising" couldn't find better word 4 you
Anyway when the panties goes down >>Surprise<< you will face the reality :
Aww for crying out loud
Some one put that picture into black box and write some cool text too !
Attached images
Invisible racing wheel.PNG
This thread is closed

The inevitable picture thread II: Return of the funnies
(5404 posts, closed, started )