The online racing simulator
Hello all. :D Question. [work for voucher]
(67 posts, closed, started )
Quote from SparkyDave :What is frankly rude! is the way you swear and abuse in almost all of your posts, surely it wouldn't take too much intellect to get your point across without resorting to **** profanity?


Yeah I swear alot I'm sorry. :cry:

Mate I'm looking for work and I have a bike to run, trust me I know how it feels. but I don't ask people on the internet

What could you do? Can you do insim? can you high quality skins? Can you code or make websites? Sell yourself..........
Quote from drpepper090 :It's not rude asking random internet people for favors....

No, but its rude asking people outright for £12 or £24, which even if you dont have a job, would take you less than a week to earn. Go wash some cars. Go paint some fences. Go do some chores.

Even with this economy's state, its still possible to earn money on a day to day basis, even if it is minimal.

edit: @ Popsy. Wut? What the heck is wrong with what garph said. Your perspective on "rude" must be alot different to mine, or garphs.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :What could you do? Can you do insim? can you high quality skins? Can you code or make websites? Sell yourself..........

I'm gonna agree here. Bartering is where it's at now, just post up what you're good at and maybe someone will find you useful.

Me? I do web design, photography and programming. It can't hurt to pick something you like and ask to see if anyone wants your services in return for a favor of giving you a voucher.

so uhh... anybody wanna buy me a month of iRacing in return for any services? lol
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :

Even with this climate's state

edit: @ Popsy. Wut? What the heck is wrong with what garph said. Your perspective on "rude" must be alot different to mine, or garphs.

Climate? You mean economy? lol
Work for it. Everything has been said. It's only 24 pounds for both licences.
Quote from SidiousX :Climate? You mean economy? lol

the Climate is screwed up too.

anyway on topic
it shouldn't be that hard to earn around 50$ in a week by washing peoples cars(i do that most of the time and i get paid 20$ per car)
I know, I could sell myself. If I had any major skills. The only thing I can do is script WoW servers C++. And I can do some basic skins. By basic I mean, (Paint).
Thats possibly what you need to find then; an LFS'er who also plays WoW. Maybe could do some stuff for them and they may be able to help with a license. You never know.
Not the only way to work for it. There are some competitions from time to time where you can win s2
Yea but competitions are probably out of my reach. I dont use a wheel. Lol.
Forget games and get a job, jesus dude the last thing you need by the sounds of things is another reason to sit on your arse playing games.

19 yrs old and begging for a computer game? ffs have a look at your self!
Man **** you Richo. Excuse the language. Lets try something kid, I'll live my life how I want, and you live yours. I specificaly said I wasn't begging. Stupid kids don't understand what a simple question is. Either you want to help or you don't. Shit, it's simple. I happen to be in great shape, i am no fatty who plays video games all the time. I just want to play a good quality video game with a bunch of respectful people who know what they are talking about when it comes to cars. Haven't your parent told you to surround your self with good people? Grow up Richo.
There is no excuse for not having a job of some sort other than pure laziness.
You can be skinny and have no life.

Anyway since you hate anyone that won't say "yes here you go here's a licence", I'll be grabbing my coat now
Come on people, just go back to the 1st post, read all the posts again, and tell me what conclusion you reach...

...That's right!!! This is completely absurd, and I mean all...

Geeezzz, "there's something wrong with the world today... and I don't know what it is..."
There is no problem with a polite request for anything, really, although chances are it won't get you anywhere. For example: it so happens that one hour ago, I received my 4th donation for VHPA (a project I've essentially been working on for over 5 years now), bringing my grand total of wealths earnt from this endeavour of mine to £39 (even before PayPal take there fees). So if my experience is anything to go by, it will take a very generous person to give you the £12 required, especially when you are so new to the community.

Best of luck and I hope you can find some good, clean racing on the demos servers in the near future. You might not have a wheel, but I managed pretty well with the mouse for many months, back in the day.
Quote from drpepper090 :Man **** you Richo. Excuse the language. Lets try something kid, I'll live my life how I want, and you live yours. I specificaly said I wasn't begging. Stupid kids don't understand what a simple question is. Either you want to help or you don't. Shit, it's simple. I happen to be in great shape, i am no fatty who plays video games all the time. I just want to play a good quality video game with a bunch of respectful people who know what they are talking about when it comes to cars. Haven't your parent told you to surround your self with good people? Grow up Richo.

First thing i,m 46 years old secondly what i have said you is something your parents would say (ok maybe different wording) but its about having some dignity , you may be an guy posting on the internet that i ill never meet and maybe i went off too strongly but i see red when i see young people just blatantly asking for a hand out.

Your dignity and self worth have to be worth more than $50.00US it just has to be.
Ok, enough with this thread. It obviously got me know where. And I got more advice about how people think I should run my life than anything anyway. So thanks all who were positive about this, and have fun in LFS. I will keep up the effort to get some money for the game, and will someday succeed. But if anyone is interested. Please e-mail me at Thanks
Quote from drpepper090 :Ok, enough with this thread. It obviously got me know where. And I got more advice about how people think I should run my life than anything anyway. So thanks all who were positive about this, and have fun in LFS. I will keep up the effort to get some money for the game, and will someday succeed. But if anyone is interested. Please e-mail me at Thanks

dude... just ask 50$ to your parents when its your b-day and thats it ! it shouldnt be hard since they work in the army!

look. im 15, i bought s2 last summer just by being a referee at my neighboorhood's soccer league. and i had some really good times while watching those 4yr old kids play. seing them having fun made my life. and i shall thank them for those good times that gave me my license that i can't live without now.

thank u little fellas ...
Yea, ok. But there is a problem with that. My B-day was last month. Lol. And you have to understand my parents before you go asking them for any money. They put the serious words Army Brat to use.
so tell them to stuff off and get a job... you said yourself that you're 19... i had my first job when i was 13... begging people for money isn't going to get you very far... some of us had to scrape money together to buy our licenses and/or equipment.

i'm sorry that offends you.
Wow what a great thread!

My contribution: drpepper, you code in C++ servers for WoW... I would assume that you play WoW then... which costs $15 a month... how are you paying for that? If you do play that is...

And like everybody else has basically said, sorry, nobodies telling you how to live your life, and sorry you've been offended, but they're not giving you something for free. Even if you say you'll work, you have to offer something to give, not just say "I'll work". When you went to McDonalds did you even ask for an application? Have you passed your resume out to every store and business around your area?
Quote from Citizen86 :Have you passed your resume out to every store and business around your area?

I couldn't agree with this more. Both me and my wife to be have our current jobs because we sent out cv's with covering letters to the type of business we wanted a job in asking to be considered if a vacancy comes up.
If you play WoW, stop the subscription for two month and you get LFS. Seriously, sacrifying two monthes of WoW is better to get LFS.

Seriously, in the US jobs aren't hard to find. I've been living here since September, I'm not a native speaker, I go to classes and can't offer a long term commitment to an employer (I leave in the end of June), and still I found a job in an Asian library on my campus with no Asian language skill. What I do ? I shelve books. I'm underpaid, the job's not the most interesting ever, that was painful to pretend to my interviewer this would be the opportunity of my life, but I can make money now.

Sell some stuff on craigslist or whatever. I'm pretty sure your bedroom isn't barren and you have some possessions that you don't use anymore.

My advice, if you want to succeed in life, the first thing is never beg for help (except if your life is in danger, and you have NOT ANY SINGLE ONE other opportunity left). The more things you get to do by yourself, the better off you will be. Trust me and trust my frenchness.
This thread is closed

Hello all. :D Question. [work for voucher]
(67 posts, closed, started )