The online racing simulator
Plz help me I need help with steering wheel & pedal !!!
Plz help me I have Speedlink steering wheel . Well I have this problem if I go to game then my pedals dont work but they are connected Then I set controls and then pedals work but then steering wheel dont work . What I need to do ?? (I got windows XP)

Plz answer .

***Sorry for my bad English***
Is your wheel working properly in other games or windows calibration tools? Can you post a screenshot of your controls settings in LFS so we can see what might be wrong?
Yea Steering wheel and pedals working good on Colin mcrae rally versions
How do I make the Picture ?
How do I add a pic in forums ??
I cant add a pic max size is 1,95 MB This pic what I want to upload is 2,84
I added rar file Pic is in rar file .
Attached files
lfs_00000001.rar - 700.9 KB - 162 views
Here is the pic ...
Attached images
do any of the axes at the right move when you turn the wheel?
Yeah X axis
My wheel is steering in game but it automatlicly speed up

***Sorry for bad English***
Same problem :weeping:
Ohh ... Ok thx for helping me .
First set the throttle/brake axes mode to "combined" and then assign the axis which moves when you step on the gas or brake to Throttle/Brake function...
I think MadCat's post above should help you, IIRC I have a speedlink FF wheel in my workshop, if your still having troubles, I could set it, up and post some settings pics for you.

Good luck.

Quote from MadCatX :First set the throttle/brake axes mode to "combined" and then assign the axis which moves when you step on the gas or brake to Throttle/Brake function...

Thank you very much MadCat it helped me
First law of computer assistance, never underestimate a noob No offence Firefox, I just know how it feels like when someone kind of steals your idea