The online racing simulator
#1 - Byku
"Real" cars setups (or at least setups that feel rather natural :P)
First of all I had doubts where to put this thread, i've got setups here... yet they are connected to an unofficial addon(which be legal , as there are uncensored threads about it :razz.

I'll be updating this thread through time .

1.) Setups which are not zipped are not made in tweaker, they were created with using restrictions etc.
2.) Civic TypeR(year 98)... supension and weight is correct. It's a nice and(at least seems so ) realistic setup to drive(hp is... well.. You need 200hp, use tweak, and gear ratios are wrong).
3.) Supra is in alpha version. Gear Ratios, hp, camber(toe a little) and some other things are correct. Suspension is not.
4.) Road Going well.... i took Bob's setup and modified it to my taste... hope Bob won't mind...
5.) Integra Type R not tuned. Suspension SHOULD be 70% correct, so does gear rations and weight(but not weight ratio :/). Hp and torque is 70% correct(tooooooo high torque).
6.) All cars made by tweaker has been packed together(Ford Ka, BMW 320d, Ford Mustang GT, LX8 GTR).
7.) 3.05.2009 - Updated Astra, SportKa, Picanto setups.
8.) Added Mitsubishi Starion setup, 155bhp, 1280 kg, and rather good gear ratios. Hope it will be fun .
9.) 9.05.2009 - Porsche 944S2 :P, at least my own version of it.

More stuff is in post nr. 11, 23(thanks Mate ).
Attached files
AU1_brake test.lyt - 988 B - 1070 views
AU1_slalomBMI.lyt - 380 B - 770 views
XFG_4.Civic TypeR.set - 132 B - 3017 views
XRT_3. Road Going.set - 132 B - 1766 views
LFS TWEAK.ZIP - 93.9 KB - 1534 views
FXO_3.IntegraType R.set - 132 B - 2337 views
XFG_3. Ford SportKa.set - 132 B - 1893 views
XFG_1. PicantoCup.set - 132 B - 1499 views
FXO_1. Astra 2.0T.set - 132 B - 1815 views
XRT_2.Mistu Starion.set - 132 B - 1720 views
XRT_4. Porshe 944S2.set - 132 B - 2007 views
could i get real sets w/o using tweak? tweak deosnt work w/ z10
I have 2 questions:

1.Is the tweak available for demos?
2.If so, could someone pm me the link to the tweak?


EDIT:Nevermind, I found it on their site.
in what file have i got to put the mods (dds-eng-pic)????
#5 - Byku
setups in Your setup folder, pic... well.... as insim tweak doesn't have save options You have to manualy copy everything from this jpg to the tweaker inside LFS. Eng files(if there are any O.o) to eng folder in LFS. Should work . Those setups are far from perfect... but they are usable .
where can i find the prog
nice thanks.
LFS-database is down.. any other link?
#10 - Byku
Another portion...

1.) Ford Capri 2.8 Injection. Gear ratios should be correct for 4 speed manual, suspension etc is my own creation . Hope You like it.
2.) Well... my representation of Megane R26.R with a little help from some sites(though it seems to have huge flaws(so much understeer? O.o)).
3.) My own representation of Nissan Silvia Spec-R.
4.) BMW 316i... well... at least I tried to make it ^^.
5.) Here I tried to make XRT act a little like an old muscle car. Of course it is FAAAARRRR from reality, it's still interesting to drive .
6.) Using Bob's road going VWS setup i tried to "convert" it to FXO... here it is... VWS...
7.) Ford Gran Torino with Playa's tweaker, 251hp 3 speed automatic version.
8.) My FZ5 cruise setup
9.) Caterham Roadsport 120
10.) Honda S2000, drives nicely :P. I miss 6th gear . Correct steering ratio, so I propose You to use 900* in Your G25/27/Fanatec .
Attached files
FXO_2. Megane R26.R.set - 132 B - 1491 views
XRG_3. BMW 316i.set - 132 B - 1670 views
XRT_8. Muscle Car.set - 132 B - 1450 views
FXO_6. VWS.set - 132 B - 1356 views
Gran Torino.ZIP - 84.3 KB - 500 views
FZ5_1. Road Going.set - 132 B - 1299 views
LX4_2. Caterham 120.set - 132 B - 1294 views
XRT_9.Honda S2000.set - 132 B - 1511 views
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
#11 - Byku
Oh, cool mate . If anybody want, you can improve my setups any way You want . All of them were made by a huge amateur in car physics.
#12 - Byku
Quote from Byku :Guys guys, got a problem . Could anybody recalculate 16.2 mm/100kg to N/mm?

Curious that the R26.R has softer springs than the R26.

Anyway, the conversion is easy:
kg * g / d = k

100 * 9.80665 / 16.4 = 60.53 N/mm
#14 - Byku
Thanks Bob . Indeed it was easy... :doh:
Quote from Byku :Guys guys, got a problem . Could anybody recalculate 16.2 mm/100kg to N/mm?

I'm trying to recreate Megane R26.R from this site ... spec-renault-megane-r26.r . Although if someone would like to recreate it himself, i(and others propably) would be happy .

Hello , the R26.R has a limited slick differantial , do you have the specs of LSD ?
Searching isn't getting me anything, except a link to a forum that doesn't let me read posts without being signed in: ... .R+torque+bias&stq=10
6th result on that page. Mentions TBR but with the text split up like it is, I can't be sure of context.
#17 - Byku
Yeah, that's the figure. Not quite the same as what LFS models, but using 33% for both power and coast, probably without any preload, is likely as close as we can get in LFS for now.
(Sorry my English is so bad)

I work for Renault , the change betwen R26.R and "normal" R26 is from 13,4mm/100kg to 14mm/100kg for R26.R , in part because the R26.R is lighter (123kg) .
Quote from Bob Smith :Curious that the R26.R has softer springs than the R26.

R26.R is much lighter then R26, and as was written in EVO "which enabled them to use softer springs" - probably in the end frequency is almost the same.

OOps, haven't read the thread to the end before posting, just saw Quarpasteur's post...
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
anything for FZ5 ?
300zx z32 set
I made two sets reminding nissan 300zx - apparently they dont have HICAS applied (4 wheels turn), viscous differential settings are plane fictious, all the other data is taken from service manual. I made two versions: one strictly on real data, second one with stiffness twice as big - and frankly speaking that latter is much more reminding the original
Attached files
XRT_300ZX.set - 132 B - 1316 views
XRT_300zx twardy.set - 132 B - 1292 views
#23 - Byku
NVM! It's 300zx, not 200sx ... lolz . It's nice to drive .

Edit.: I read it first 200sx, and something was wrong . Then i've read it again .
Quote from chavm481 :could i get real sets w/o using tweak? tweak deosnt work w/ z10

Go back to Z0?

If you have updated to a test patch, and haven't made a backup of your LFS.exe, download it from the attachment below. It is the only way to get LFSTweak working.

PS: Reading posts can prove useful sometimes!
Quote from Byku :NVM! It's 300zx, not 200sx ... lolz . It's nice to drive .

wel, I dont know whats this all about? 200sx is a pimps' car and 300zx is...?