LFS discovered about a fortnight ago, demo downloaded, S2 licence bought within a matter of hours.

Why didn't I find this game years ago...

Doesn't matter I'm happy now!
I have to set some time to one side to read the manual, and get the hang of set-ups, and racing rules, and car control, and training...
...sheesh, I'll never be good enough to go online, so much in this game I need to lie down.
I've been playing GTR2 for a while, but after sitting in front of a pc all day at work (which I'm not doing now boss, honest! ahem) find it difficult to sit down at one at night so not much progress (took me 3 months to finish a 24 hour race piece-meal lol).
My only issue being a drop-in kind of player is that without intending to you can upset the clan/team players quite easily. Some can just be downright rude to noobs (I understand I can get in the way of their race but it's not intentional and if they are that bothered why not make it a private server or put "no noobs!" in the description). That said, on a more empty server I came across a very helpful spanish racer who gave me some great tips, and on the quieter servers there is a chance at good race results, although the clock never lies does it!
I think I'll practice more offline and come back when the kids have left home (in about 15 yrs) so I can put the required time in to "fit in" with the regulars, unless someone can suggest a good server for drop-ins like me?
Anyway, enough waffle, counting down the hours until the kids go to bed to get back on LFS, and uninstall GTR2 of course.
To the developers: There are those of us who can only dream of a chance to race (over the hill/mortgage to pay etc). You have given us an affordable toy to at least pretend/practice, for that I am very grateful. Keep up the excellent work, and I will gladly part with more (but not too much!) cash. If I win the lottery I'm coming to find you guys and give you a cash injection to accelerate the development process. I've never fallen for a game so quickly and completely. Many many thanks for a superb game / alternate existence.