Now you're talking Hallen
Good points. I'm not a physics expert so I don't want to get involved in detailed discussion about what's exactly wrong physics wise. I just wanted to say what's wrong from driver point of view and from comments I got from very professional drifters who also have G25.
Thanks for explaining why race tires or well let's say super grippy Dot or Dot-r tires last so long. Because I knew they did, but always thought that they should last less since they are much softer compound (low QT).
I very much hope Scawen is reading this thread.

Thanks for explaining why race tires or well let's say super grippy Dot or Dot-r tires last so long. Because I knew they did, but always thought that they should last less since they are much softer compound (low QT).
I very much hope Scawen is reading this thread.