Me too. It may be true that I wrote it, but if I had to read it again a couple of weeks later I'd also have to think hard to understand it. That's mostly though because it's in english and the formulae are formatted badly. Some LaTeX would help the formulae a lot.
Anyway, half an hour ago I was walking back home and had a thought about the issue. Maybe I can improve the estimation...
Let's start with a new assumed mechanism:
1. At the start of the discussion the journal is empty and contains no fluid.
2. The journal now starts to align with the oil delivery system.
3. Oil starts to flow into the journal.
4. The fail criteria is that the journal must be filled with oil up to the center of the bearing before it is shut off from the oil supply.
Let's calculate!
1. The backpressure (due to centrifugal forces) acting against the oil delivery is assumed to be constant as discussed in the last reply (0.36psi according to Tristan - actually that's the peak achieved once the journal is completely filled, but we'd like to overestimate the minimal oil pressure rather than underestimating it)
2. The two cross-sections move relative to each other at a speed of w*r. The time they intersect works out to be t = d/(w*r). At the beginning of this duration the intersecting area is infintely small, in the middle it's exactly pi*d² and at the end it's infinitely small again. Plotted over time the available area for oil transport looks like a sine-curve centred around 0.5*pi*d².
3. We neglect any time-based effects on the fluid resistance caused by the edges of the drillings and thus can handle the intersecting drillings as if they intersected with an area of 0.5*pi*d² for the whole duration of t.
This is a very bad assumption. At the end of the calculation we should at least double the calculated minimum pressure due to the neglected effects here. Or just look further down and integrate the respective equotation over time - good luck

4. During the duration t the minimum oil pressure needs to transport a volume of V = pi*d²*(D/2) (just enough to fill the journal to the middle) through a throttle of the area 0.5*pi*d².
Thus we receive a necessary flow rate of Q = pi*d²*(D/2)/t.
6. I treat the problem as an orifice plate with incompressible fluid (Wikipedia). It's bigger diameter is d, the smaller diameter d' calculates as follows:
pi*d'² = 0.5*pi*d²
d' = sqrt(0.5*d²)
d' = d/sqrt(2)
Thus we can use the formula provided by wikipedia:
Q = pi*d²*sqrt(1/(1-(d'/d)^4)*sqrt(dp/v)
(v is density, dp difference in pressure at the orifice)
(At this point you may want to use a more sophisticated formula. This one neglects compressibility. The wikipedia link provides many formulae.)
dp = Q²*v/(pi*d²*sqrt(1/(1-(d'/d)^4))²
And we finally receive the desired necessary theoretical oilpressure p as
p = Q²*v/(pi*d²*sqrt(1/(1-(d'/d)^4))² + v*w²*0.5*D² + v*g*D
Modify as desired, e.g. multiply by two for security. But please repeat the whole calculation yourself. This post should only outline a possible method of estimation.
...That was fun.
