LRF Class
(39 posts, started )
Quote from LFSn00b :Seriously, what happened to this class online? It just seemed to disappear and i cant find any non-drift server with LRF enabled that has atleast 1 person in it.

Its been like that ever since I can remember.

There has never been much LRF love.
But there are servers running those combos. Best advice would be to spread the word and join those. But probally you want active admins there due to the large amount of drifters they attract.
They are challenging cars to drive. I think many people are turned off by the fact that they can't make a full lap in them without spinning, let alone be fast. And the people who actually can drive them are turned off because there are so few people driving them.
Yep no LRF or LX4 online... IMHO adding more cars will not make LFS a better experience. And why there was a "Cruise Server" filter added but no "Drift Server" or just a general "Non Race Server" filter....

But I don't want to be negative, always look on the brightside of life. We still got THE BEST online racesim, even before any other race-sim or game ever had online support.

Long live SACVIER and may they lead happy and fullfilling lifes

Ow and that counts for everybody
I ran a LRF cup which attracted lots of attention, it may be on the way back, so keep watch
#6 - xtm
Please bring it back, im sure there will be quite a few folks who would take part! Despite troy/palukka winning the whole thing by default
#7 - pipa
+1 to filter out the demo servers.
I have always found that one of the problems is that there so many race servers running the same damn thing, and no exclusive or matched pairs cars of LX4/LX6/MRT/RAC/FZ50/FO8/UFR/XFR/UF1 (MRT seems to be there now lately).

It would be nice if server admins put a bit of thought into what they offer on their server instead of the 20th clone of a succesful server and being one of the 400 empty servers.
What I'm really missing is a good TBO or LRF server. Only doing offline hotlapping at the moment, no racing servers with competitors in these classes at the moment
they need to make a drift filter, stunt filter ect.. shouldn't be that hard since they made a cruise filter.
I know we had LRF class race in CTRL2 on Kyoto Nat rev and practice server was 24/7 public. There was like always someone online on the server from our guys, but we had just few foreign drivers visits

This just shows that even if there are servers with LRF cars, no racers join. So what's the point in having one? :P
Btw, which are the LRF cars? I know the TBO class has XRT, FXO and RB4, but I know nothing about the LRF
Quote from jonny__27 :Btw, which are the LRF cars? I know the TBO class has XRT, FXO and RB4, but I know nothing about the LRF

LX6, RAC and FZ5
Just recently, (maybe a few months) its been very hard to find any well populated servers that have anything other than FOX or STD cars, speaking from just my own perspective I don't have hours and hours to race online, and often its late at night after the "rush hour" so maybe that has alot to do with it.

There are plenty of capable racers online, someone just needs to start the trend find a good combo and try it for an evening.

I will be looking out for LRF servers in the coming weeks, maybe running our T7R TeamServer as LRF and sitting on it until people come, so if you see me, please join (as Ill probably need to borrow a set ).

Whats a great track for these cars?


+1 for filtering out demo hosts. I dont disklike demo servers or demo users, but i would like to filter them out sometimes
Any of the longer tracks work well, Aston Historic, Kyoto GP, Westhill Rev etc etc.

This conversation comes up alot, and the conclusion is always the same, it seems people WANT to drive the LRF class, however, theres not enough of those people around to get good racing going.

CTRA ran an LRF server, but closed it due to lack of use, I think it boils down to people wanting "easy" racing.
Hey Guys,

I'm the owner of a pretty lagless 24/7 server of 18 slots.
It's called -TRR- Stunt-Race Battle, if you guys want it I can change it to a LRF type of server, so that you guys can have ur fun

Just tell me, and I'll change it when I'm back home
Unfortunently the problem is not the lack of LRF servers. It's just people in general are not willing to race them.
Ah, I wrote about this topic once in the SR GTI thread. Things is, the only servers (including empty ones) allowing the LFR cars (especially RAC) are drift/stunt servers or the demo-esque all cars ones with people wrecking in BF1s.
Not a single one (with decent ping) running only LFRs in race config iirc last sunday.

edit: @danowat. Think the CTRA one required a gold licence for all cars.
I said I would sort it out, but I didn't...sorry.

We have weekly LX racing tonight, but after that I will rename CR|LX Racing to CR|LRF Racing and sort a rotation using Airio.

Server will be public, but will be commandeered every Thursday for the LX nights.
Might be true. I haven't checked if there are servers my self. But server owners usually tend to host servers which will have people racing on. Hosting a server that is empty almost all the time does not make much sense.
Also what I have witnessed in previous LRF threads is that when server owners decide to switch their server to run LRF after reading the thread, they usually come back to the thread a bit later to proclaim there really isn't anyone on the server. After a while they usually switch their server back to what it was before.

Not that I am against anyone changing their server to run LRFs. Go ahead do that, but I can not see this going any better this time.
Nice, thx
will look for it on the weekend, since I'm at university during the week. You find me at the back of the grid
@Bean0: sounds good, will look for it as soon as I have internet access at home again.

I've got some ideas on my mind as well, so just to add to the LRF discussion what seems to be another downside for the general public: long races are nice? (talking about 1-1,5 hours)
OK, server is up and running - CR|LRF Racing

that's awesome

LRF Class
(39 posts, started )