#1 - Crady
Idea / Reques for a spec button
Well I tried to code a bit with Python and Dark Times great InsimLib, but to be honest - my skills are really bad and my time is limited very much...

But I have an idea / a request for an insim app:

I would like to press a key that is not assigned in LFS of course (maybe configurable by a config file) to show up current guest list like the "N" key does in LFS itself.

But if I click on one of these listed names the guest will be send to spectate.

When I hit the key that shows me this list again, the list will disappear.

It would be nice if this app connects to LFS locally. So you don´t have to configure it with server IP, port and password. Of course it will only work if you are connected as Admin...

So you are able to get rid off crashers, blue flag ingnorers or whoever apart for kicking or banning them while you are racing and not being able to tye "T /spec guestname Enter ... oops misspelled ... again... oops crashed myself" ...


If someone has time and does not know what to code next...
That would be easy. I don't have the time to do it right now so sorry on that. An idea might be to get an extra 'n' menu function so you assign this insim to the 'n' key, an it shows up cyclically when you have the connections list. The insim adds a column to the left of the connections list with an 'S' button for each player name, that when pressed sends this player to spectators. I guess you would only need to find out in what order connections are shown in the list, which I guess is in ascending order of UCID (maybe not).

This way you would have an enhanced connections list menu that works identically and rotates with the 'n' key ;-)
#3 - Silox
I don't think it is possible to kick / ban / spectate people through InSim WITHOUT connecting an InSim app with the IP and adminpassword as the /spec, /kick, ... commands are sent from the 'host' itself.

Well, as connection with IP, port and pass isn't that hard to make, I would follow Makakazo's solution. A program who detects a keypress, if key is pressed make new column with all the racernames (can be done with a simple loop) and another column with K / S / B (kick, spec and ban). I should use the 'click id's ' of te buttons in order with the clients unique ID.

@Makakazo: In my InSim Lib (T'ronX's VB / C lib) the users get stored in order where they joined the server, not on UCID. That's why I would use the UCID as button click ID.
That's not what I meant. What I was trying to say is to make an insim that adds a column to the current connections list scheme, in the same way as there are two columns with "kick" and "ban" buttons. My idea is to add a column with "spec" buttons that works in synchrony with the connections list.

This is actually a feature that Scawen could code very easily. The only drawback could be that if you are a host admin the connections list menu could grow quite big with three columns for "spec", "kick" and "ban".
#5 - Crady

If I am connected as admin do a server I am able to type /spec xyz ...

So if the insim connected to my local LFS is able to list all current connected player or to display an extra "S" button in the "N" display, it only need to type "/spec xyz" which definitely is possible with insim.

Of course if you are connected to a server without admin rights this app wont work...
The connections list aint the same order as the UCID list. Well I'm pretty sure anyway. The dynamic host file contians the same order as the cons list. But you need file access to server for that.

Also the cons list shrinks and expands its font size depending on connection numbers. So you'd have to accomodate that to ~.~

If it were me, coding this for myself, I look at the work to do and think, " ~ nah, just kick them instead". Getting spectated would ruin someone's race just as much as a kick so it's a tiny difference. And I am also a lazy sod.
I knocked this up for you there, although I'm not sure it's exactly what you want. It doesn't use key-presses, but instead you need to type "!spec" to show or hide the list. You need Python 2.6 and pyinsim 1.1.3 to use it.

In the config.ini file you can set the InSim connection info, as well as change the prefix '!' and the 'spec' command, you can also set the top and left position of the list on the screen.

It may be slightly buggy, although it seems to work OK for me.
Attached files
spechelper_0.1.zip - 1.5 KB - 265 views
#8 - Crady
Sorry for my late answer, Dark Times!

But GREAT one! Works as it should! only need to create a exe from it to use it on my main PC without Python... but that hopefully should be no problem...

Thank you