Magic, i cant understand how you dont feel it, you and i know that some issues, specially at low speed still exist in LFS... but rfactor is the other way slow speeds it almost feels high speeds its completely unrealistic...completely..... just grab the FOX (best car for me phisics wise and fun wise in LFS) and the Trainer in rFACTOR wich should be similar.... theres no way it can even be compared....FOX is light years ahead...
I dont say that rFACTOR is not a good sim, it is.... but its nothing near the amount of hype and holy graal everyone was mumbling about....i even think now in the ASS review of it and i think it was really a ASS super hyped up review.... if this is the Revolution then thank you but no thank you.....
Most of the feeling you have in GTR (except you now can catch slides....uau...big improvement...they added an if, if car starts to slide and user turns wheel on oposite way, please do react and dont snap always...
Regarding the Multiplayer i congratulate ISI because it is really a step forward regarding to what they had before, it feels nice now... but LFS gave that step 3 years ago....
Track layouts, why the hell everything is narrow.....
Stuttering....this one im not even gonna coment on.... Scawen once stated that he was no directx expert...dam.... i imagine if he was..... LFS maxed out on my portable computer never (and when i say never its really never) stutters... rFACTOR on not even near good quality graphics and DX7 stutters ramdomly.... exactly like F1 2000,2001,2002, 99-02,GTR and GT Legends.....
Sound...well....sound... i have to say that the sampling may be good and sound better most of the times then in LFS, nothing that GTR didnt gave us already and better, alot of gear and metal now pass near a wall....sound is the same...not perfectly done Echoes like in LFS (maybe because with samples its alot harder), blast thru a straight in the trainer at 190 km/h...not even a little shshowshh of wind...... still its sound more POWERFULL because its sampled....
Entering a server and seeing people on their own skins...LFS yes....rFACTOR....nope.... it does make a hell of a difference....
Did i mention how the tracks are horrid already

theres so many other points i could keep enumerating that make LFS a better sim, but its the end it comes all to the perception of each one of us of how it should be....
Ill play both because i play them all....but my love is still the same... LFS, not only because of what it is now, but specially because of what i can forsee ahead because of the people behind it......
And for those who can count regarding content...check how many tracks LFS has and Cars and how many rFACTOR has.....
The biggest point in rFACTOR is the modding comunity... and that, yes, it makes a hell of a difference because theres alot of talented people around that want to contribute with quality to it..... i still remeber the pleasure i had of driving a civic type r on RSRs ETCC mod for F1C, or in GTR giving a spins around a well modeled Estoril....BTW... tracks are much better in GTR.. wich uses a older engine....funny he...
Oh well...i hope all of them improve till we reach that sim racing nirvana we all want...
PS: Forgot to mention how everyone bashed LFS because the cockpits where poor..well...they are a little yes (compared to GTR or GTP), but FFS they are not those horrid things in rFACTOR, again modding can save it....