The online racing simulator
World's biggest snake found dead
(35 posts, started )
ohmahgadohmahgadohmahgadohmahgad! lol, i kinda jumped
OMFG SHIT! ... That scared the hell outta me!
At first, I was like :sorry: poor snake, then I was like :wtf2: that thing is huge, who fed him well? Then he kept going and I was like ok this snake is too big I'm bored now. Then it attacked, and I was like :eek: :faint: WTF! That thing aint dead! Son of a bit** :mad:. Then reading this thread made me. And that's about it.
My reaction was ... freakin nasty. I was very calm - listening to slower style music and then it came ... At first i was like "hmm", and then i was like "AAA"

Edit: And Grip ... why do u need to use that much smileys?
Crashgate i hope your proud of yourself, i was very close in having a Heart Attack. But now am away to do this to my mates
Did really so many people fall for that? I thought it was pretty obvious.
#34 - wild
I jumped when I seen it, too bad they didn't show us the rest of it

RIP Mr. Snake
Quote from zeugnimod :Did really so many people fall for that? I thought it was pretty obvious.

If this was a year ago it wouldn't have got me, but it's been a while since those things kind of disappeared.

World's biggest snake found dead
(35 posts, started )