The online racing simulator
Computer Crashing
(47 posts, started )
On the contrary tagforce, you have a good approach as you are now in the territory that i am not familiar with.

Always best to go through everything that could cause it, as i went by what was causing, and solved my problems a while back, but as you say, there can be many other causes, plus im no expert at all, i just have a slight enthusiasm in getting these things running as best they can, if it gets too techical, im clueless!
There is the txt file of my processes.
Attached files
processes.txt - 5.1 KB - 409 views
Quote from U4IK ST8 :Try this:

It's only a trial but it might help.

Nono, if ur compuer is slow and u use this? Omfg ... get a brain (no offense)

First, how many antivirus programs u got? Many beginners have more than 1. Well, 2 different antiviruses will make computer very slow because they will start to kill eachother.

Second, check your PC inside. Clean the processor heatsink and other fans.

And im pretty sure that its all about pointless stuff what u have downloaded. Alot of programs installed and that stuff. Ive been in 100% same situation few years ago.
Quote from mrodgers : I now have 16 processes running.

Ohh, nice job sir! I thought i was doing well with only 19.

I cant believe the OP has over 70 processes running, that must be crippling performance.

No one running XP should have more than 20-25 processes running. Its a totally unnecessary waste of resources.
#30 - CSU1

Quote from The Moose :I cant believe the OP has over 70 processes running, that must be crippling performance.

No one running XP should have more than 20-25 processes running. Its a totally unnecessary wast of resources.

Having lots of background processes is only a waste of resources if you run out of those resources. If you have 20 or so 'extra' processes that are taking up negligible resources but are actually useful to the system in some way (for example, the G15 keyboard will create 9 processes by default) then it's worthwhile. It's not the total number of processes that counts, it's what they're doing and what they're using that counts.
Quote from amp88 : It's not the total number of processes that counts, it's what they're doing and what they're using that counts.

Obviously. Now i hadn't considered that a keyboard would use 9 processes, so you've got me there. The point i was making was that anything over the essential processes you need to run your OS (and your process heavy flash keyboard :razz is generally junk that doesnt need to be running, therefore is wasting recources.
Quote from The Moose :Obviously. Now i hadn't considered that a keyboard would use 9 processes, so you've got me there. The point i was making was that anything over the essential processes you need to run your OS (and your process heavy flash keyboard :razz is generally junk that doesnt need to be running, therefore is wasting recources.

The point is that it's only wasting resources if you actually need those resources for something else. If you have so many things going on in the background that the essentials of the system are starved of CPU time/memory and your system is thrashing away at the pagefile then obviously you should cut back on those extra processes. However, if you have 70 odd processes running but you still have 90+% free CPU time and 30+% free RAM there's no problem. You've paid for the extra CPU and RAM so why not use them?
Quote from The Moose :Ohh, nice job sir! I thought i was doing well with only 19.

I cheated. I wasn't counting Firefox, and ATI control center has 3 processes running that I haven't disabled since my card blew up and I went back to the onboard chip. So, in reality I do have 20, but I don't consider Firefox a process because when I'm done with the net, it will disappear and the ATI stuff I really should disable, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it at the moment.

Added: OP, you can google search each of your processes to see what it is. I see a process for Lightscribe, which would start any time you wanted to use Lightscribe. It's unnecessary to be running all the time.

I see many processes specific to Windows Media Center. All unnecessary. They will start when needed.

Anything that is non-virus software related that has an update scheduler running, unnecessary. Do you really need Real Player constantly checking for updates and running constantly?

BTDNA.exe, shame shame on you This is probably defaulted to share files. Anything that you have downloaded, you are now uploading probably. That could be an outrageous amount of bandwidth being used if you have a lot of files that you downloaded.

Anything "hpxxxxx" has to do with the HP computer and crap that they preinstall. Many I see are for printer diagnostics. How often do you run diagnostics on the printers? They don't need to be running. You can start them yourself if you ever need to.

I saw this:
svcadmin.exe 1868 Console 0 2ÿ240 K
Run Services as Application should not be running at startup. It is likely a virus, spyware, trojan, or some other sort of malicious program. Use a virus scanner, and/or spyware removal tool to remove it.

That is just from a quick google search on processes. Investigate that further.

Anything that is "ehxxxxxx" has to do with Media Center. These can all be disabled. I have no problems with doing anything with Media Center with those disabled on my computer (why you would want to is beyond me.)

sm56hlpr.exe, another diagnostics, this one for modem drivers. Have you ever needed to run a diagnostics on it? Disable again and you can run it manually if needed.

What is "Windows OneCare Live"? I see a few processes for that.

Several processes for Java stuff. Needed? I have disabled all those and they now only start when needed rather than running all the time.

I am counting at least 36 processes that you should be able to disable. That nearly cuts it down in half.
windows live one care is my anti-virus and so can you tell me what is the 36 program i can close ?
Quote from TopThrillGTR :windows live one care is my anti-virus and so can you tell me what is the 36 program i can close ?

Dont know about the programs, but ... ur gonna start closingthem every time u start up ur PC? ... That will be annoyng. And the second thing, as i saw the desktop picture of yours - id suggest u to reinstall the windows. Seriously
Quote from The Moose :Ohh, nice job sir! I thought i was doing well with only 19.

I cant believe the OP has over 70 processes running, that must be crippling performance.

No one running XP should have more than 20-25 processes running. Its a totally unnecessary waste of resources.

I had only 14 processes
#39 - Jakg
I have 48 on my XP NC10 - but again Avast uses several process, which skews that number - same as many of my processes.

It's not all about the number.
<best suggestion ever>Use BlackBox/OpenBox instead of WinExplorer.</best suggestion ever>
#41 - CSU1
Quote from The Moose :

Who you lolling at?

Just laughing as usually these threads fall off the bottom of the page within minutes, it's nice to see everyone being so helpful is all


I haven't messed around with W7 or Vista yet, can anyone tell me the similarities or differences betweeen them?, is the management console still there etc.?
I appear to have 109 processes running :hide:

Is that because I'm on vista?
#43 - CSU1
Quote from J@tko :I appear to have 109 processes running :hide:

Is that because I'm on vista?

Best thing to do is go into services and disable all the unwanted stuff like anti-virus and any startup apps that if you want set them to manual so you can use them if needed, for me on windows I just have basic networking services and Zonealarm starting up, iirc the feature in Vista that makes windows transparent etc. uses WAY too much memory too.
I have a program that prevents all that sort of crap running at startup. I believe it's called CCleaner. It does other stuff like registry defrags, but it's one of the best and quickest process-killers I've seen.

More specifically, this problem sounds more like an overheating CPU than just RAM getting bogged down. Killing the programs may help, but those sort of hangs (in my experience) are caused by heat or viruses. I know that browsing won't exactly tax the CPU that much, but all it takes is a loose connection on the fan or a dust-related blockage and you have a gateway to system death.

Might be worth checking temperatures either in the BIOS after one of the crashes, or using some external app to keep an eye on them while you're using it.

would help too :

The Process of Windows Live One Care is ok - I used for afew month to test it, but now i use another solution.

You can turn off Autostart Programs safely by

1. Pressing Windows + R

2. Type msconfig.exe + press Enter

3. Go to the "Systemstart"-Tab (Don´t know how it is called in a Englisch Windows)

Deactivate all Entrys except the ones from your Security Solution and reboot your PC.

Try and Error: Work normal wirh your PC. Does any Program gives you an error, go to the msconfig and reactivate the entry of the program.

!!!It is your own risk, but i do this by myself in this way!!!

If you (or anyone else) want some help with driver or something like this, it ist a good way to post the dxdiag.txt.

For this do the following:

1. Press Windows + R

2. Type dxdiag and press Enter

3. Klick on Yes or OK when you get the Security Question

4. At the Bottom of the Window you can find a Button called "Alle Informationen speichern" - I think it would be something like "Save all Information" ....

5. Save the Information at a place of your choice - maybe the desktop

6. Upload the file and post the Link or attach it at your post

In the file are stored information about Drivers and much more. Maybe delete information like the name of your PC or anything else, that you don´t want to tell other people.

In my time as Gamemaster of a MMORG we make a request for the dxdiag by every support-ticket. So we learn a little bit more about the user and his machine who send us the ticket.

(Wohooo - I must spend some work for my english ........ If someone found a big mistake in my description - please post it in the right way.)
Quote from amp88 :The point is that it's only wasting resources if you actually need those resources for something else.

True. I am approaching it from a flight simmers point of view (with a less than modern machine). You need every last drop of your computers performance. Flight Sim will use 100% of your spare resources, as will many high end sims.
Quote from TopThrillGTR :windows live one care is my anti-virus and so can you tell me what is the 36 program i can close ?

I thought I did.

Quote from mrodgers :Added: OP, you can google search each of your processes to see what it is. I see a process for Lightscribe, which would start any time you wanted to use Lightscribe. It's unnecessary to be running all the time.

I see many processes specific to Windows Media Center. All unnecessary. They will start when needed.

Anything that is non-virus software related that has an update scheduler running, unnecessary. Do you really need Real Player constantly checking for updates and running constantly?

BTDNA.exe, shame shame on you This is probably defaulted to share files. Anything that you have downloaded, you are now uploading probably. That could be an outrageous amount of bandwidth being used if you have a lot of files that you downloaded.

Anything "hpxxxxx" has to do with the HP computer and crap that they preinstall. Many I see are for printer diagnostics. How often do you run diagnostics on the printers? They don't need to be running. You can start them yourself if you ever need to.

I saw this:
svcadmin.exe 1868 Console 0 2ÿ240 K
Run Services as Application should not be running at startup. It is likely a virus, spyware, trojan, or some other sort of malicious program. Use a virus scanner, and/or spyware removal tool to remove it.

That is just from a quick google search on processes. Investigate that further.

Anything that is "ehxxxxxx" has to do with Media Center. These can all be disabled. I have no problems with doing anything with Media Center with those disabled on my computer (why you would want to is beyond me.)

sm56hlpr.exe, another diagnostics, this one for modem drivers. Have you ever needed to run a diagnostics on it? Disable again and you can run it manually if needed.

What is "Windows OneCare Live"? I see a few processes for that.

Several processes for Java stuff. Needed? I have disabled all those and they now only start when needed rather than running all the time.

I am counting at least 36 processes that you should be able to disable. That nearly cuts it down in half.

That right there takes care of at least half of the 36 processes.

Computer Crashing
(47 posts, started )