The online racing simulator
#1 - (SaM)
Three Scotsmen and two Vietnamese, flying a hot air balloon...
#2 - J@tko
#4 - Joe93
#5 - 5haz
Too many deep fried Mars bars. [/prejudice]

I've never liked the idea of a vehicle you cant steer.

I rememeber once we were heading back towards London from the West country on the M4 and suddenly over the hill come about 30 hot air ballons, couple of them came really low over the motorway, saw one crash in a field.
This video made me laugh so hard. Saved immediately to favourites!
Millions of childrens!
#9 - JJ72
One of them actually speaks mandarin lol.
That really is the funniest video i've ever seen, thanks for posting
hahahahaha ROFL

We're gonna kill it grapes!
Ahahaha, the funniest video i've seen lately.

Oh, he's pulling the rope!
They said, whatever you do, don't pull the rope...
saw that a couple of days back, made me laugh...'I think we landed on his child'
He even sings, "Stuck in a treeeeee!" :clapclap: I watched it over a couple of times!
Hahahaha, trust a few dunce scots.....

Hot air balloon are such an incredibly stupid concept, it's unbelievable. The flying part is all right, but the fact that you have no idea where you'll land, or even if you'll land without killing yourself is just stunning.

I mean, what was the pilot of that thing advertising? "Hot air ballon trip! Cheap! Enjoy the awesome Chinese view! Hit trees!"

Thumbs up to the Scotts for being just amused by the whole thing; I'd have totally jumped.
I guess they're not Vietnamese but Chinese right?
I mean, it does sound like Mandarin... not Vietnamese.
#19 - Migz
OH MY EFFING GEEE, Haha, that made me so unbelivably happy before i got depressed again haha.
Quote from Bawbag :Hahahaha, trust a few dunce scots.....


My chest swelled upon viewing this. Only the Scots could think that the only danger of landing in water would be that his Camera will get damaged.
Heh I do love you Scots. I love the way that they had just got through the dangers of the tree and then one of them happily exclaims, "In a river!" while another laughs really hard.
This was great! haha

If i would crash into a tree in a hot air balloon i would laugh for sure
Pure dead brilliant that was
That's the funniest things i have ever seen in my life. I love the Scots. Am proud to be Scottish.
now that has pace