The online racing simulator
NOS Energy Drink - Not a fuel additive
(13 posts, started )
#1 - Bean0
NOS Energy Drink - Not a fuel additive
Can you buy that stuff in the UK?, I'd love to see the look on peoples face when I drink a bottle of NOS at the start of a 10K, and shoot off at the start!!!
#3 - G!NhO

Stupid people are stupid.
lol, fail isn't a strong enough word for that.
#5 - J@tko

Quote from danowat :Can you buy that stuff in the UK?, I'd love to see the look on peoples face when I drink a bottle of NOS at the start of a 10K, and shoot off at the start!!!

Never seen it, but unless it tastes substancially different to Red Bull I don't want to
Someone said it tastes kinda fruity .
But really...
Is there someone who can miss the big ENERGY DRINK letters on such a bottle?!?
Wow...... Thats a massive FAIL..... I dont think he could of failed harder.....

But, hes an internet star now.....
just goes to prove nobodys safe from retardation
I always used NOS at a start of a race. By that i mean i farted and pretended that it gave me a boost and i started to sprint away. That never really worked in a cross-country race though.
Looks like 4chans /b/tards have got in on this already........

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NOS Energy Drink - Not a fuel additive
(13 posts, started )